So electing Mario Cuomo would have stopped Bruno from caving to political, media, and social pressure. Bullshit. You are wrong again. Mario Cuomo was NEVER going to watch out for our gun rights. Your ravings have zero credibility. If you want to rant, fighting for term limits would help your cause better than voting and cheering for a liberal progressive anti-gun socialists. Let it go, you will feel better.
Yes, Bruno would have stood up to Mario on partisan basis, where as he wouldn't do that to Pataki. We had a system in place to resist Mario, it didn't matter what Mario was watching out for. Stick your labels up your buns. It's hard to admit to yourself you were played for a fool most of your life, someone has to tell you.
None of the school shootings at the time involved the type of weapons banned by Pataki. Not to mention that similar Federal ban was losing its support even among the democrats at the time. Should I thank you for Pataki?
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