Legislature ADMITS the problem:
This nuisance poses specific harm to New Yorkers
7 based largely on their zip code and certain immutable characteristics
8 such as race and ethnicity. Illegal firearm violence has disproportion-
9 ately affected underserved black and brown neighborhoods in our cities
10 and throughout the state despite stringent state and local laws against
11 the illegal possession of firearms while, according to the Bureau of
12 Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives statistics, 74% of firearms
13 used in crimes in New York are purchased outside of New York.
This nuisance poses specific harm to New Yorkers
7 based largely on their zip code and certain immutable characteristics
8 such as race and ethnicity. Illegal firearm violence has disproportion-
9 ately affected underserved black and brown neighborhoods in our cities
10 and throughout the state despite stringent state and local laws against
11 the illegal possession of firearms while, according to the Bureau of
12 Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives statistics, 74% of firearms
13 used in crimes in New York are purchased outside of New York.