20×102mm Vulcan
you did not buy it .. your paying for it .. every month .. . you know the car/truck payment .. the terms were in the fine print .. no guns in it 
Nope. You got a loan from the bank. Kia no longer owns it. They’ve been did not buy it .. your paying for it .. every month .. . you know the car/truck payment .. the terms were in the fine print .. no guns in it![]()
Nope. You got a loan from the bank. Kia no longer owns it. They’ve been paid.
well the Gov Dems / lefts have been on the banks too .. no loans for them if there 2A or have guns ..
Actually this is a real concern. This IS happening.
Then you go to Toyota or for a car at Kia .. ok we can see what we can do .. fill out these forms to finance with us .. there bank backers .. oh fuck he has guns .. nope![]()
If I owned a bank, I can choose to only give loans to gun owners. See how that works?
how about this ..
Chevy , Ford , Dodge , Kia , and all the auto brands .. dealers/ sellers .. will sell you this auto .. but you can't have guns in it when driving .. ???
You own it once you buy it.
How is this a tough concept to understand?
It’s not the same.
You do in fact own your car even when paying the loan off. That’s why it is registered in your name. Same with your house. The deed is in your name with a lien on it. It’s still yours.
Is the lienholder the owner?
For example, if your local bank writes you an auto loan to finance your car, they are the lienholder. You are the practical owner of the car. ... But as long as the lienholder has a financial stake in your vehicle, they're the legal owner, and their name will appear on important documents.
Just like when you coast through a stop sign..except that's breaking a law.You didn’t even get the constitution correct, so I’m not all that concerned with understanding your version of “rule vs. request.”
Walmart asked people to not open carry in their stores. Those people said “fuck that” and did it anyway.
Dick move.
Different. Once you buy it, it's your property. You get to make the rules then. Hell make a rule you will only drive people if they are armed.
Whereas Walmart is simply asking people to not OC. But if they did post a sign, in Texas as least, then it WOULD have the force of law. But they didn't even do that. They simply asked. And these people will "show them." Dick move.Just like when you coast through a stop sign..except that's breaking a law.
You're right , they didn't even make a full blown rule or policy about it. Just a simple stament asking nicely.They didn't make a "rule" Made a "request"
Simple: who pays for the oil changes?
If you have private property you get to make the rules.
as long as the rules are applied equally to all you are able to make your rules.
I'm kinda with walmart is their business that is affected. They are not asking to not conceal carry. Just don't openly carry guns in their stores .
I agree its walmarts business they get to make the rules but I also think if a business of any kind or gov building strips you of your right to defend yourself they should have to supply adequate protection for you. With that said.
K what about the people that dont have or cant get CC permits? They dont get to defend themselves?
People have a choice whether or not to go to walmart or not. With internet shopping as popular as it is walmart needs to concider this. Amazon is two clicks and ypur stuff is at your door in 2 days .
I work in a service industry im in multiple houses everyday . Even if OC was a thing here I dont think people would like if I openly carried a handgun into thier house.
If anything we should be able to carry in govt buildings they are not privately owned .
This is the govt violating your rights and we can't choose not to go into some of these places.
A few things come to mind.
Walmart and others have made a "request" not to open carry. If they post signs (which they have not) it means nothing. light of all the shit today with the liberals, doing so anyway to get away with it is a dick move, kicking the hornets nest. We have enough problems as gun owners so WHY MAKE IT WORSE?
The best move is to tell them in a nice way you hate their business practice and take your money elsewhere. Walmart is truly an evil entity. They drive suppliers to get the lowest price so shit gets made overseas. Spalding fell into that. They would have done better telling Walmart to go fuck itself like Hornaday did. If every gun owner quit shopping at these stores it would be noticeable. But they don't, they roll over.
So yeah, go ahead and pull the dick move, support the dick move and then see how much more we suffer. Just don't fucking whine when it gets worse because of this because they will use this as another reason.
We have better ways to fight.
How has bowing down to anti-gunners wishes and wants worked out so far?
It's taking the fight elsewhere.
Where, when? When do we fight back how long are going to get kicked in the gut? How long are we going to stand by? How long are we going to get treated like lepers and 2nd class citizens because we simply want to be prepared to defend our lives and loved ones if some asshole wants to do us harm?