Wouldn't be fiscally appropriate to even surrender a functional Hi-Point at those prices.
Assault Rifle (no such thing) $300 Handgun $150 Rifle or Shotgun $75 Non-working, replica
or antique gun$25
Old flea market cap guns might make financial sense.Wouldn't be fiscally appropriate to even surrender a functional Hi-Point at those prices.
I'll give you $150 for it!So I can get $150 for that POS PPK/s I bought from S&W?
Couldn't get squat for it when I tried to put it towards a trade at the FFL I bought it from.
They're Democrats: blowing money on useless programs irrespective of legality is their hallmark signature.can AG James pass a 4473 to buy them all back ? you know when buying guns not family .. its the fucking LAW ..
where is the code of law allowing gun buy backs . ??
turning in a found gun to LEO is one thing .. but offering $$$ is another ..
I'd like to know if they run the numbers to see if they were stolen?I would like to see a gun study on the effect of these buyback programs on gun thefts.
DEC is going to get you for altering wetlands!Guns are icky. I threw all mine in the river.
No not really LOL. I threw them all in the swamp.