.700 Nitro Express
I am looking for experience and insights towards carry choices for my wife. Following a botched home invasion earlier this year, we have been keeping a home defense shotgun within her reach every minute of the day. Although she is proficient with the shotgun, she is highly motivated to start carrying a handgun for as many reasons as you all can imagine. It is a long, lengthy and frustrating process for New Yorkers (even victims and near victims) to exercise their rights clearly recognized in the foundation of our Republic.
This question specifically focuses on the weight of a weapon to be carried IWB or OWB sixteen hours a day by a healthy woman. Since she (like many women who carry) is likely a hundred pounds lighter than many of us guys on the forum, many insights concerning EDC weight may not be appropriate. We will certainly be finding a good belt (appropriate for casual woman’s clothing) and holster with cost not being an issue (yeah she is worth it). Personally, I believe the downside of focusing on light polymer subcompact guns is that the weapon she may shoot best may be a heavier larger compact or even a service weapon. In fact, of the handful of handguns she has shot (FUAC don’t even bother hunting us down since we leave New York for her to shoot handguns) the handgun gun she enjoyed the most was over 34oz unloaded.
Thanks to all in advance. We will likely try to milk your brains with all sorts of other questions but for now, from your experiences:
1) What would be the maximum handgun weight for your wife / mother / daughter / girlfriend to consider purchasing for continuous carry before you intervene with some loving advice? (NOTE: If you are a wife, mother, daughter, or girlfriend please help us out so I can stop guessing.)
2) Why do you feel that way?
This question specifically focuses on the weight of a weapon to be carried IWB or OWB sixteen hours a day by a healthy woman. Since she (like many women who carry) is likely a hundred pounds lighter than many of us guys on the forum, many insights concerning EDC weight may not be appropriate. We will certainly be finding a good belt (appropriate for casual woman’s clothing) and holster with cost not being an issue (yeah she is worth it). Personally, I believe the downside of focusing on light polymer subcompact guns is that the weapon she may shoot best may be a heavier larger compact or even a service weapon. In fact, of the handful of handguns she has shot (FUAC don’t even bother hunting us down since we leave New York for her to shoot handguns) the handgun gun she enjoyed the most was over 34oz unloaded.
Thanks to all in advance. We will likely try to milk your brains with all sorts of other questions but for now, from your experiences:
1) What would be the maximum handgun weight for your wife / mother / daughter / girlfriend to consider purchasing for continuous carry before you intervene with some loving advice? (NOTE: If you are a wife, mother, daughter, or girlfriend please help us out so I can stop guessing.)
2) Why do you feel that way?