.450/400 Nitro Ex
Surely you don't believe a guy who back in February estimated with 97-99% confidence that trump would be president. On november 9 the guy will have to start modifying his model again.Stony Brook Prof. Says its gonna be Trump by a landslide %97. Article was written before Bernie tapped out....
Professor Claims His Statistical Model Shows Who Will Become President
538 has trump at 13.4% chance of winning currently: And honestly I think they are being quite optimistic with that. He is down badly in RCP aggregate: RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
I just don't see him recovering his ground. He has only three weeks. His campaign invariably explodes every time he reaches parity with Clinton (look at the 538 link above and scroll down a bit you can see the blue and red lines intersect then self-destruct every time. Historically it has taken him well over a month to get the ground back and he doesn't have well over a month.
I have to assume even some of the "trump is going clean up" people are worried about this and there is a bit of a confidence game going on. I'm fairly sick at the idea that clinton news network will trumpet clinton for the next four years, but I've had a very, very long time to get used to the idea. The campaign is going precisely as I knew it would when I did not vote for trump in the primaries. I knew he would not be able to get the job done.