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Hunter Biden enters shock guilty plea in $1.4M tax evasion case, first son facing up to 17 years in prison
Hunter Biden’s lawyers announced on the first day of his tax evasion trial that the first son plans to plead guilty.

Can't have testimony in open court about where his "income" came from.What are they trying to hide is my question.
House arrest at best.I really think he will see the inside of a prison. Even if it’s bare minimum. He really pissed the DOJ off and they want blood. And yes, crack cocaine is still available behind the walls and he certainly can pay for it.
Will be interesting if he goes to prison. The security concerns must be making secret service people loose sleep.
Would they assign him secret service protection in prison, or would they lock him in solitary 'protective custody'???
I bet shanking Hunter would be quite the trophy.
Biden is dying, made his money, and doesn't give anymore a fuck than LBJ did...what are ya gonna do to me? I'll tell ya Jack, NOTHING! Before during or after his Presidency has ended....precisely jack shit.1.4 million unreported income... From WHAT or WHO is now obfuscated, hidden and removed from being exposed! Full recantation before the court should be required, bit won't happen! And it's amazing how sentencing is announced to be in 3 months... It takes that long to determine guilt and sentence? Just amazing how corrupted and diseases the Justice System has become! And yeah, the BIG guy most undoubtedly will Pardon his son while exiting! Adding to his most ridiculously terrible legacy!
good point, But im not putting anything past the Lawfare LeftFederal charges can't be pardoned by a governor. States don't bring charges on behalf of the IRS.
The trial is only being held in CA because that was his state of residency. There are Federal courthouses all over the country.