6.5 Creedmoor
I'm in trouble again guys this time it's a real scenario!! This time you (U) are with me on vacation.
Original scenario:
-2011 Christmas Day Celebration
-BG (Bad Guys) hear there are Americans with mucho casho
-BG Near Magnus and U has confronted the Americanos
-BG further north are armed and have been denied access to the area by I posing as security
-BG further north have opened fire striking several civilians (I)
-BG in ally way have heard the shots and flew (they are apprehended by a pack of I's later)
-C are the cops arriving to save the day
-C have opened fire in an effort to control the situation
-C have shot several civilians
Magnus and you have to escape the area! Deal with the BG confronting you plan to escape the cross fire and the crowd of I's now in a frenzy! This is 2011 Magnus' wife and son have not been introduced yet so it's just the boys hanging out.