It's also illegal brandishing .
New York does not have "brandishing" laws
It's also illegal brandishing .
In the state of New York, the word used for ‘brandishing’ is ‘menacing’. Law 120.14 states menacing in the second degree as:New York does not have "brandishing" laws
In the state of New York, the word used for ‘brandishing’ is ‘menacing’. Law 120.14 states menacing in the second degree as:
An individual is considered ‘menacing’ when he or she puts another in reasonable fear of physical injury or death by knowingly displaying a dangerous instrument with intent to harm. The dangerous instrument may appear to be a pistol, rifle, revolver, machine gun, shotgun or other firearm.
If the firearm is unlicensed, loaded, in your place of residence, on your person or in your car you may face a 3.5 year automatic prison sentence. This sentence can be applied to those with no prior convictions.
Even if you are unaware of or do not understand gun and weapon laws in the state of New York, you may still go to jail. If you possess a permit from another state without a New York permit, you can still be charged with this offense.
A conviction of violation of Law 120.14 proves that:
1. On a certain date you the defendant possessed a firearm.
2. That you possessed the firearm knowingly.
3.That the firearm was operable and loaded. Under New York law ‘loaded’ may mean the bullets are in a gun case or pocket. The charge can still be leveled against the defendant as the bullets were readily available.
4. That you the defendant possessed the loaded firearm with intent to use it unlawfully against another.
This is a Class C felony.
This is the short answer. Here's my permit. NY ONLY issues concealed carry permits. Anybody with a NY permit can legally carry. Now if you have restrictions printed on it, you are still legal to carry it on you, although if your issuing judge finds out about it they may or may not revoke it for not following his added bs restrictions.I am more confused now then when the thread started
This is the short answer. Here's my permit. NY ONLY issues concealed carry permits. Anybody with a NY permit can legally carry. Now if you have restrictions printed on it, you are still legal to carry it on you, although if your issuing judge finds out about it they may or may not revoke it for not following his added bs restrictions.
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your under 18 , you can use your grandpas pistol under supervision on a regulated range ..refer to the law .. .. so just toss up some NRA Range posters out back ... you lucky little wippersnapper ..
since im 51 i couldn't legally touch your grandpa pistols .. welcome to NY ..
Let me start by saying I think it is highly unlikely that a 14 to 20 y/o grandson would ever be charged for shooting his grandpa's pistol (target shooting) but not sure it is strictly legal in NYS unless grandpa is OPs legal guardian (or has parents permission in writing) and has hunters safety certificate (or is a military officer, NRA pistol instructor, etc) And such shooting is conducted at an actual range not in grandpa's back yard. The law here is clear as mud LOL.
NYS PENAL LAW § 265.20 7
It is completely legal. A minor is "Allowed" to shoot handguns in NY State
The op is a kid still in school asking a question he knows nothing about.OMG, can't you guys see there was nothing genuine in this thread ? Do you actually believe the OP cannot read the a permit ?
The op is a kid still in school asking a question he knows nothing about.
But thanks for blessing us with your wisdom again.
who? where? what?The kid also has a lot of friends here on the forum! Unlike Ignored Member!!!
I remember having friends.The kid also has a lot of friends here on the forum! Unlike Ignored Member!!!
OMG, can't you guys see there was nothing genuine in this thread ? Do you actually believe the OP cannot read the a permit ?
And thats why we like himAnd at times we give some good old bull crap and he brushes it off with a good laugh and comes back ...
Why pick this one when there's 5,886 others that rapidly lose their meaningful beginningsOMG, can't you guys see there was nothing genuine in this thread ? Do you actually believe the OP cannot read the a permit ?
I really hate doing this but.......not true.It's also illegal brandishing. Some one just being the n your property does not constitute a direct and immediate threat to your life. Also he had a chance to retreat to her house. Completely illegal for her to show or use a gun i. That situation. If some ones in their backyard trespassing call the police not grandpa with a gun. Now if they are entering the occupied dwelling it's considered a threat to their life. Notice I said occupied dwelling not a garage or car in NYS. A gun or deadly physical force can not be used in defense of property or money in any amount. Only in defense of a human life. Not your dogs. Human life only. If she can retreat to the house for safety she has to. Read article 35. At best her permit and gun would be taken for brandishing a weapon for trespassing.
Just found out they have restricted, they said the only way they were able to get unrestricted was to carry money on them, I don't know why but eh
Not sure what their restrictions say but doubt keeping loaded handgun in glovebox would fall under "permitted" use that judge had in mind.
Actually, weird stuff happens on their property. They live in the country. I'll tell u a few stories. Multiple times someone has pulled in their driveway and walked in their back yard, one time my grandma was out in the backyard, and she sees a tree that has never been there before, she looks and it's someone in a ghillie suit, she brought the dogs in and pulled out her gun, called grandpa and he came home. Plus trespassing is a huge issue on their property. So they always carry when they're outside. How isn't it legal anyways? You can open carry on your own property, why not conceal?
no, never confronted him. My grandpa flips when people are on his landDid they ever find out why someone in a ghillie suit was on their property? When I am outside of the house and on my land I carry a Galil. God help anyone I see on my land without permission.