.177 BB
Hello NY!..
I was a regular at dodge city (Calverton) since I was 19. By 21 had an FFL that I let go when I moved to another town on LI...
Did a little high power, but got hooked into Benchrest.... Competed in the IBS, been to the Supershoot twice, had fun on the brookhaven winter league for a few years.... Anyone who ever shot BR for competition knows its 90% work, 5% stress and 5% fun.. Burned my self out, started 3-D archery and had fun again... Than kids came, the house and a wife. Not in that order but, you get the idea...
Now, well past my mid life crises (lol) decided to knock a few things out of my bucket list.
Plan on an AR-15 off an 80% and (imagine Forrest gump voice) see the world up and changed in a real big hurry.
This stupid as hell safe act crap....
Fixed magazine... I get it.
The libtards don't understand its the lunatic that's the problem, and they don't want him to be able to easily and quickly reload (like he is gonna give a single s*/#t what they want, ever, as if killing people wasn't already illegal) but I digress ...
For me, I want silly crazy good accuracy. Slow and purposeful target type shooting. 10 in slow-fire is fine for me. The time it takes to reload, is also ok to me.
Give me time to reflect on my posture and evaluate what Im doing right and wrong...
What I hate is being forced to choose a magazine, pin it and hope feeds well and also hope it never has to be replaced.
May be im wrong, but I don't believe magazines were initially designed to last as long as any other part.
Now the question(s)...
When a magazine is pinned, satisfying the law, can the pins be drifted out with a punch so may be a new magazine could be used?
If a lower, magazine or both were designed so the magazine could be removed only after the upper was removed or completely swung out of the way, say through the top, would this violate the intent of the law ?
I was a regular at dodge city (Calverton) since I was 19. By 21 had an FFL that I let go when I moved to another town on LI...
Did a little high power, but got hooked into Benchrest.... Competed in the IBS, been to the Supershoot twice, had fun on the brookhaven winter league for a few years.... Anyone who ever shot BR for competition knows its 90% work, 5% stress and 5% fun.. Burned my self out, started 3-D archery and had fun again... Than kids came, the house and a wife. Not in that order but, you get the idea...
Now, well past my mid life crises (lol) decided to knock a few things out of my bucket list.
Plan on an AR-15 off an 80% and (imagine Forrest gump voice) see the world up and changed in a real big hurry.
This stupid as hell safe act crap....
Fixed magazine... I get it.
The libtards don't understand its the lunatic that's the problem, and they don't want him to be able to easily and quickly reload (like he is gonna give a single s*/#t what they want, ever, as if killing people wasn't already illegal) but I digress ...
For me, I want silly crazy good accuracy. Slow and purposeful target type shooting. 10 in slow-fire is fine for me. The time it takes to reload, is also ok to me.
Give me time to reflect on my posture and evaluate what Im doing right and wrong...
What I hate is being forced to choose a magazine, pin it and hope feeds well and also hope it never has to be replaced.
May be im wrong, but I don't believe magazines were initially designed to last as long as any other part.
Now the question(s)...
When a magazine is pinned, satisfying the law, can the pins be drifted out with a punch so may be a new magazine could be used?
If a lower, magazine or both were designed so the magazine could be removed only after the upper was removed or completely swung out of the way, say through the top, would this violate the intent of the law ?