Who needs "code" to manufacture a homemade firearm? Could be a hard copy blue print or just fundamental mechanical skills. Code is nothing more than the evolution of an idea.
I don't think it pertains to this subject. Wilson and the rest are trying to share the modern equivalent of blueprints. Those files can do NOTHING on their own. They need, at a minimum, another piece of software and a printer compatible with that software. The files are basically information, knowledge - nothing more.
Yeah, I worded that poorly. It is a free speech issue but the question is 'Is sharing information or knowledge protected?' When you frame the question that way the answer is obviously 'Yes'.
"Code" could refer to a malicious executable which might not be protected (or maybe it is, especially if it's uncompiled). I think that using the term "code" needlessly confuses the issue and it works in statists' favor.
The scary thing about this is that it boils down to an assault on our right to create things, develop and share knowledge without the permission of government. It is the natural progression of the nanny state mentality that has been allowed for too long.
this was back in the mid 90's .. when there was no internet .. it was BBS .. 2400 baud modems dial in and download
Anarchist's Cookbook like stuff on CD .. passing it along ..
this CD series had it all back then .. the Adult stuff was more for the graphic of shit from wars and just murders .. .. hangings , be-headings .. old B&W photos