20×102mm Vulcan
I dont get the whole flooding the tunnels thing. Why not just explode them? The water will eventually drain and dry up, it is a desert fer chrisakes. They will still be usable.
Ultimately they may explode them and collapse them.
But doing so initially won't get the rats hiding in all the little nooks and crannies. Flood waters will get into every tiny little crevase, drowning the rats as they try to flee or flushing them out for arrest.
Once you're sure the rats are dead or gone, THEN you collapse them.
Oh, and the ground in a desert tends to be hardpack, and doesn't accept water easily. Just see what happens in Arizona when a heavy rain comes through. There is significant flooding before the waters absorb or recede.
guess they need some bunker busters and make the med sea a path to the tunnels ..
Gaza could be a new swimming pool