Marine Cpl
.577 Tyrannosaur.
Once Israel sends troops or tokens, it becomes a holy war and they open themselves to attack. And guess who will have to defend them?Sorry ,That's not an ally by any standard. Even the Japanese sent a token force , They could have at least send medical personnel or supply personnel something. From What Im told ,they are the best troops in the world ! and they didn't send a card.
What the hell does the Vietnamese refugees have to do with bleeding next to our guys?
Weve taken in Syrian and Iraqi refugees after we bombed them , so what? Your bias towards Israel is obvious.
Just how does the US benefit from being military Allies with them? We pay for their military and they wont fight with our guys , Nice deal that is . and until last year We never even had a base in Israel, until they needed more air defence and The put an air defense base there , on our dime of course. But I don't see any benefit from it.
It's smart not to send troops and I'm sure NORAD, the president, the president of other nations, Arab nations that allow us on their soil to stage or whoever is in charge knows that.