.450/400 Nitro Ex
Is 3% a coincidence? I think not.
We are the 3%!
Why not use the Occupier's slogan against them?
Is 3% a coincidence? I think not.
Their numbers only count "adults." You would have to reduce your 3% by around 50%. Now who knows what percentage you would have to use for American households, as we know households are no longer "2 adults and 2.5 children." So your household number could be low or high. Figure it is all BS anyway, most gun owners are not stupid enough to tell a pollster yeah I have guns. I bet a lot of anti gun people secretly tell pollsters and other door to door poll takers they have guns.Using their numbers then: If 9,000,000 Americans or 3% own half of the guns or 132,500,000 guns which equals 14.7 gun per person, this leaves 132,500,000 guns for the others.
So 141,500,000 or 47% of America is armed.
Do you see what I did there, I proved the age old statement that figures don't lie, but liars figure.
Instead of using the number of Americans, try using the number of American Households (115,227000). The picture changes:
If 3,456,810 or 3% of american household own half of the guns or 132,500,000 guns which equals 14 guns per household, this leaves 132,500,000 guns for the remaining 111,770,190 which means 97% of American house holds are armed.
I know quite a few people who own more than 50 firearms ( non shop keepers nor FFLs) and they use them too.It's the Washington Post and Harvard for fuck's sake!!! Who believes anything they say?
....... Edited for brevity.........
I call BULLSHIT!! I don't know anyone who has 50+ firearms, other than people with a shop and an FFL.
A more cogent conclusion from this study is that the 78% of the population that says it possesses NO guns contains a crap-ton of very smart people who were not going to tell Harvard shit about what they do or do not own.
"Concealed is concealed." Indeed.
I know quite a few people who own more than 50 firearms ( non shop keepers nor FFLs) and they use them too.
I've got to buy 2 more guns so that I have the 14 then maybe it will rise to 4%Using their numbers then: If 9,000,000 Americans or 3% own half of the guns or 132,500,000 guns which equals 14.7 gun per person, this leaves 132,500,000 guns for the others.
So 141,500,000 or 47% of America is armed.
Do you see what I did there, I proved the age old statement that figures don't lie, but liars figure.
Instead of using the number of Americans, try using the number of American Households (115,227000). The picture changes:
If 3,456,810 or 3% of american household own half of the guns or 132,500,000 guns which equals 14 guns per household, this leaves 132,500,000 guns for the remaining 111,770,190 which means 97% of American house holds are armed.