I can't imagine how you can say I'm misinformed, I respectfully reverse the misinformed back to you and raise you a "false hope misinformation" because there's no way whatsoever that a long and steady power (and I did say substantial time) outage will "naturally cool" the power rods. Eventually they will decay. Back up systems will only last so long, I didn't mention how long, obviously not immediately but after back ups and the people controlling them have long left the area to be with their own families, shit will break down. For the people that are going to "hunker down" with plenty of rations, that will become an issue. The thread is for what to take with you..which assumes leaving the home.
My understanding is there are only a few reactors that are designed using passive cooling that use water current to cool their reactors without power.
Like 98% of reactors out there, once the grid trips hopefully their backup diesel generators come online to keep pumping the water to cool the reactor. Now the generators are great as long as they have fuel. Most reactors are believed to have a 2-3 week supply of it. Once the fuel is gone then what?
I saw an article a couple weeks ago I think on shtfplan and anyways fema was asking nuke plant operators out west how long they can last without diesel resupply......