Yeah... Unfortunately I can see this as an end-around to the coming SCOTUS upholding scrutiny (strict) in regard to the NY 2A case...
Simply harden the use of force laws to remove any ability using a firearm for justifiable defense!
Think about it... You're attacked in your home, and they would want you to first call the police (they're busy defunding) and then only after asking the attacker nicely to stop would you be allowed to attempt to go to your firearm safe, unlock it, retrieve your key for the trigger lock, load a magazine and rack the slide, this so you may fire a warning shot prior to aiming at the attacker...
No acceptable use of a firearm in public for the purpose of defense. You will be legally required to submit to an attacker and will be charged if you deny the attacker from taking what they want and causing a problem. You become the criminal when you resist by fighting back, how dare you deny to liberation of your valuables to those less fortunate?
Yeah... Unfortunately I can see this as an end-around to the coming SCOTUS upholding scrutiny (strict) in regard to the NY 2A case...
Simply harden the use of force laws to remove any ability using a firearm for justifiable defense!
Think about it... You're attacked in your home, and they would want you to first call the police (they're busy defunding) and then only after asking the attacker nicely to stop would you be allowed to attempt to go to your firearm safe, unlock it, retrieve your key for the trigger lock, load a magazine and rack the slide, this so you may fire a warning shot prior to aiming at the attacker...
No acceptable use of a firearm in public for the purpose of defense. You will be legally required to submit to an attacker and will be charged if you deny the attacker from taking what they want and causing a problem. You become the criminal when you resist by fighting back, how dare you deny to liberation of your valuables to those less fortunate?
I mean can you imagine the SCOTUS doesn't wait till next year to bitch slap NY?
Oh my... I'm not sure the progressives could handle it! What will they ever do of "shall issue" is determined to be Unconstitutional!?!?
But yeah, there's a fine line on Malicious Prosecution and what was done here... A very fine line. I hope the kid has enough time to sit and make a list of lawsuits!
PS, he should stay off the damned TV circuit for heaven's sake! None of that is to his benefit...
Just strip prosecutors of immunity to libel and slander laws.
How about all the violations of evidentiary law ?Well... It is a hard road, but "IF" it can be demonstrated that the Prosecutor ignored facts that had shown no law was broken, as the case would lend to, and prosecuted the kid regardless due to political reasons or pressure... A Malicious Prosecution case could be warranted. But as we've seen, these fuckers don't eat their own! Even despite the Judge multiple admonishments of the Prosecutorial malfeasance, it wouldn't go anywhere!
But hey... Look at our new Governor, who if you just arrived from space, would read her words and make an assumption that this kid just showed up somewhere and shot people without cause, or just because he had a firearm! Much work to do? Yes, and that is remove the koolaid from the general population!
seen a post on FB .. Kyle is suing the view .. 60 mil ..
Snopes has become bias and unreliable.Seeing something on facebook is generally a good reason not to believe it.
No, the Rittenhouses Haven't Sued Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg for Defamation
It's always prudent to check the source of a claim before sharing online "news."
Snopes has been from say oneSnopes has become bias and unreliable.
Facebook is full of crap and the fact check source are becoming politically motivated with Snopes in the lead.