.475 A&M Magnum
Ukraine, Yugoslavia .
3rd world.Ukraine, Yugoslavia .
They didn’t have pensions, social security, welfare, 401k’s, yearly vacations to Disney world, car payments, mortgages, ect.If your saying that only third world country's have civil wars, Your dead wrong . The US , Russia, France, all had civil wars , and none were considered third world .
Civil wars don't happen all the time So we have to look back to find them .
At that time compared to today, yes.Nope, Unless you consider Europe third world.
They didn’t have pensions, social security, welfare, 401k’s, yearly vacations to Disney world, car payments, mortgages, ect.
All the things that’s keeping you and 12 of your friends from doing what needs to be done.
So did Brazil and Senegal.Yugoslavia hosted the winter Olympics in 84 , I don't know what your thinking.
How so? Tell me what’s keeping the US and Europe from having one then?Your nuts.
At that time compared to today, yes.
Yes they are. Any country that requires a visa to come here is.Your nuts. Ukraine and Yugoslavia are third world countries? Ok Im done.
China and Russia are 3rd world countries?Yes they are. Any country that requires a visa to come here is.
Perhaps 2nd world. Definitely not 1st world. Too much poverty. Any country that requires proof of employment, assets, and a certain amount of money in your bank account to be able to be granted a visa to come here isn’t 1st world.China and Russia are 3rd world countries?
Do you even know what the difference between 1st 2nd and 3rd world is ?
You are always comparing 3rd world countries where people have nothing there to lose to here where people have mortgages, pensions, cars, yearly Disney land vacations, 401K’s, bonuses, etc.
People get killed and beat up by minorities everyday here and nothing is done. Police constantly go against our freedoms and nothing is done. Our businesses burn and nothing is done. Our kids get abused mentally by our school systems and nothing is done.
Why? Because we are fat, lazy, and content for the most part. If we were hungry and didn’t know where our next meal will come from things would be different.
It’s always tomorrow. Never today. Always tomorrow.
I’m not driving 5 hrs. Anyone who stands armed in front of a business is setting himself up for failure. Why would you go armed to a rally at a statue? It isn’t my problem. If you don’t want to be arrested, stay away from the statue. My life is not worth a statue. They haven’t burned down the business in my town yet. They burned down the businesses in my town but haven’t burned my house down yet. One day they are going to push to far. Ect.
The statue of Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who saved thousands of Jews during the Holocaust,stoodat the corner of Fairfax and Beverly in Los Angeles. When the racist mobs swept through the area, looting Jewish stores and defacing synagogues with "BLM" and "Free Palestine" graffiti, the statue of a man who risked his life to resist fascism and bigotry was one of their targets.
The racists and leftists vandalizing statues across the world claim that they’re fighting hate, but their targets have often been the men and women who courageously stood up to racism and hatred.
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You're absolutely correct.
Many here will continue to repeat that "soon there will be a civil war" and "martial law is coming", and they clearly don't understand modern America. It's like a virus that has spread globally, effecting everyone, far worse than any pandemic we've ever seen. American lifestyles are the ultimate host for it too. There is no chance of a kinetic civil war anymore.
Those days are long gone and people are simply not able to self sustain life without the government while living in a neutered, heavily artificial, and controlled society. People are no longer independent in modern society. America consists mostly of fat lazy morons that don't care what happens as long as they get approved to lease that brand new car, live in a house they can't afford, and get themselves a latte in the mourning that they can post a picture of on social media. People during the civil war era were self sufficient, skilled, independent, and didn't live fake lifestyles. These kinds of people really do not exist any longer in America.
It is a joke to think there is a possibility of a kinetic revolution today. People think the clips of riots and protests they see on the news and other media is the majority of reactions from people, but it's probably less than .1%. Take a step back and re-enter reality, the overwhelming majority around you are NOT willing to give up their fake lifestyle of trying to impress their neighbors and fake social media friends to die for their political beliefs. If they have a job and a family with limited free time, even less likely.
The closest thing America is going to get to a civil war is already happening, with stupid assholes bitching and moaning in protests in libtarded cities and on social media. Acting like a 5 year old with a temper tantrum is not going to spark a civil war or revolution nation wide. Just like our gun rights in America continue to get eroded slowly, more federal laws will continue to pass to push more radicalized leftist garbage in. It will be more like a continued depressive state verses a violent one, all dwindling down to accommodate and implement the agenda of socialism.
I dated 2 Chinese women... Married one ... Both were raised during the cultural revolution. One woman had parents that were a Doctor and a university president... They were on the wrong side of the cultural revolution. The DR was sent to the Gobi desert with survey crews for months at a time. The President was thrown in jail beaten and herded sheep in the mountains. .. Washing black folks feet... My girlfriend was forced to carry another student on her back everyday to school... She was their horse.A few thoughts on statues:
You can acknowledge the good and brilliance of someone while also acknowledging the ugliness of it. The reason I believe that Confederate Statues (and Union Statues, and Revolutionary War statues and monuments to Civil Rights leaders, hell even the raging bull statue on Wall Street) should stand is because you can learn from them. Doesn't mean you have to like them but you can acknowledge the lessons they can teach. When you try to scour everything that a particular group (minority or majority) doesn't like you have a sanitized version of history and ultimately you have that quote from 1984 that is so profound.
If you let them tear down statues then they'll come for the books next. Huckleberry Finn is the most anti-racist book you'll ever read. But it'll be burned because it has copious amounts of the n-word in it. Then you have Fahrenheit 451. Half the population is pumped up on drugs (legal and illegal) so we're already in Brave New World. And there my friends you have the trifecta of dystopia.
On Civil War:
I don't think we're in the midst of a Second Civil War. I think we're in the midst of an American Version of Mao's Cultural Revolution. Read up on that. That'll scare you more than any civil war. The leftists have the news, cultural institutions, educational institutions, and large portions of the government under their control. And just like the Chinese Cultural Revolution they'll use young people to tear down every statue (even if it's Raul Wallenberg), every monument (even if it's the 54th Massachusetts - the Union Colored regiment made famous in Glory), and burn every book (even if it's Huckleberry Finn).
A lot of people are going to die.
History has proven wrong. Correct. Different time and mindset as he eloquently explained to you but you ignore it because you want to ignore it.History has proven you wrong hundreds of times. The fallacy of ""this time its different."" the normalcy bias that this could never happen here.
A socialist wind is sweeping the country, race is being used to justify violence and revolution . I have never in my life seen an incident where the mayors across the country tell their police forces to stand down to dismiss that as a nothing burger is dangerous.
every action will have a reaction. There is only so much people are going to take before they push back .Thats human nature.
You guys are so confident that the current standard of living in the us isn't going anywhere.You're absolutely correct.
Many here will continue to repeat that "soon there will be a civil war" and "martial law is coming", and they clearly don't understand modern America. It's like a virus that has spread globally, effecting everyone, far worse than any pandemic we've ever seen. American lifestyles are the ultimate host for it too. There is no chance of a kinetic civil war anymore.
Those days are long gone and people are simply not able to self sustain life without the government while living in a neutered, heavily artificial, and controlled society. People are no longer independent in modern society. America consists mostly of fat lazy morons that don't care what happens as long as they get approved to lease that brand new car, live in a house they can't afford, and get themselves a latte in the mourning that they can post a picture of on social media. People during the civil war era were self sufficient, skilled, independent, and didn't live fake lifestyles. These kinds of people really do not exist any longer in America.
It is a joke to think there is a possibility of a kinetic revolution today. People think the clips of riots and protests they see on the news and other media is the majority of reactions from people, but it's probably less than .1%. Take a step back and re-enter reality, the overwhelming majority around you are NOT willing to give up their fake lifestyle of trying to impress their neighbors and fake social media friends to die for their political beliefs. If they have a job and a family with limited free time, even less likely.
The closest thing America is going to get to a civil war is already happening, with stupid assholes bitching and moaning in protests in libtarded cities and on social media. Acting like a 5 year old with a temper tantrum is not going to spark a civil war or revolution nation wide. Just like our gun rights in America continue to get eroded slowly, more federal laws will continue to pass to push more radicalized leftist garbage in. It will be more like a continued depressive state verses a violent one, all dwindling down to accommodate and implement the agenda of socialism.
I dated 2 Chinese women... Married one ... Both were raised during the cultural revolution. One woman had parents that were a Doctor and a university president... They were on the wrong side of the cultural revolution. The DR was sent to the Gobi desert with survey crews for months at a time. The President was thrown in jail beaten and herded sheep in the mountains. .. Washing black folks feet... My girlfriend was forced to carry another student on her back everyday to school... She was their horse.
the aim of the Cultural Revolution was to attack the Four Olds-- old ideas, old culture, old customs, and old habits--in order to bring the areas of education, art and literature in line with Communist ideology. Anything that was suspected of being feudal or bourgeois was to be destroyed.
At 3:20 explains a bit what they went through...
Did you not read what was said here? A clear distinction between having shit and not having shit was made whether a civil war happens or not. For America to have one, we have to devolve from being a 1st world country having shit.You guys are so confident that the current standard of living in the us isn't going anywhere.
If that were right, you are correct there won't be a war.
But, I expect that we will se a drastic drop in the standard of living here in the foreseeable future.
If the dollar loses it's place as the global reserve we will fall much harder and faster than Venezuela.
You will see people needing wheelbarrows of cash to buy a cup of coffee (if they can even find anyone selling any).
That is basically the goal of the globalists. They have a pretty good chance of getting their way.
If that happens, a hot civil war here is a near certainty.
Well, your tone came across like "that can never happen here", not "shitstorm's a brewin"Did you not read what was said here? A clear distinction between having shit and not having shit was made whether a civil war happens or not. For America to have one, we have to devolve from being a 1st world country having shit.
History has proven wrong. Correct. Different time and mindset as he eloquently explained to you but you ignore it because you want to ignore it.
Holdover himself will not arm up and gun down a government building filled with politicians and law enforcement that protect them with his friends. He just won’t. He might If he lost his house and money. Until then he won’t or else he would have already.
And if Holdover won’t now, what make you think that Tim and Amanda along with their kids will who take yearly vacations to Lake Ozark to rent a cabin along with a boat lakefront will?
Did you not read what was said here? A clear distinction between having shit and not having shit was made whether a civil war happens or not. For America to have one, we have to devolve from being a 1st world country having shit.
Well, your tone came across like "that can never happen here", not "shitstorm's a brewin"
OMG. You either are incapable of understanding what is being said or you are misunderstanding on purpose.Is that what happened during the American civil war, Is that what happened in the Ukraine Einstien? One side had shit, and the other didn't have shit? where the fuck did you go to school? Because I would ask for a refund.