I see a lot of different types of MRES and people complain that they taste like shit . But I havent had a legit MRE in some time and I dont know which ones Are Military grade. Little help with the name and maybe a link?
Two cases of MRE's. These are great for being prepared for natural disasters, pandemics, civil unrest or just camping with your buddies.
Kinda a lot of money for MREs about halfway through their shelf life. Also not a lot of food for the money. But, seems like they still have em in stock.
Authentic MREs are reasonably tasty but not amazingly so. When I was in the Chicken Cavatelli was considered by most to be the best item, the frankfurters were considered poison though I liked em okay. The vegetarian bean burrito, I thought, was incredibly nasty. Any meal that doesn't include the jalapeño cheese spread is something of a disappointment. Have a lot of water on hand if you decide to eat the crackers.
Most all of the "military grade" ones I have had seem to be on the older side but I've gotten the same meals from the same manufactures only in a clear plastic bag for less then the GI ones and much fresher. Sorry can't help with the name but a search will turn them up. Where you at? I might be able to hook you up with some OLD ones