The proper response to something like this is "we need to find and kill the people responsible, the people who supported them, and anyone else that helped them".I have no issues with prayer. That being said, the whole pacifist attitude of creating a memorial outside of the bombing site, online campaigns and political rhetoric of the typical "our thoughts and prayers..." is sad to say the least. Memorials, hash tag campaigns, hand holding, singing and the empty words of many in the political world only feed the beast. If they really wanted change, borders would be shut or strongly controlled, gun laws effecting law abiding citizens would be done with and action would replace lip service by all countries against this kind of barbarism INCLUDING MUSLIM PEOPLE AND NATIONS.
What if you pray for bombs and bullets to kill the people responsible for the barbarism? I do.The proper response to something like this is "we need to find and kill the people responsible, the people who supported them, and anyone else that helped them".
"Thoughts and prayers" are worth exactly what you paid for them. "Bombs and bullets" are the only response that matters.
I'm more than willing to let Liberal Progressives hug as many suicide bombers as they like. Hopefully, in a wide open field surrounded by nothing except other Liberal Progressives.
A phobia is defined as the irrational fear of something. If that something is wildly over-represented in events in which innocents are being maimed and killed, it cannot be irrational.