With bravery, balls, guts, and a little crazy anything can be accomplished. Didn't the Founding Fathers sucesssfully defeat the most powerful nation in the world with what was essentially a band of irregular guerillas?Speaking of, storming Government buildings and taking politicians into custody and installing a new government.
Speaking of, being willing to engage anyone who protects these politicians and to get to those politicians.
It HAS been done before, and the people who did it didn't even have guns as us Americans do.
I will use the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution for an example of what could possibly happen here in our country.
This example will address all four of your points.
The Ukrainian people endured years of (corruption,) (mismanagement,) lack of economic growth and currency devaluation.
Resulting in a series of violent events involving protesters, riot police, and unknown (Russian?) shooters in the capital, Kiev.
Ending up in the (ousting of the Ukrainian President.)
The Euromaidan protesters pushed back the Government forces including the brutal "Berkut" an elite riot police force,
and they took the Government buildings... And they did it without firearms... They don't have a 2A as we do in America...
They were not armed to the teeth like we in America are.
They fought the opposing Government forces.
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Including the special police force (Berkut)
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And took the Government Buildings.
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With clubs.
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With chains.
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With molotov cocktails.
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With whatever was effective.
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With personal bravery and resolve.
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Which resulted in:
1.) A Euromaidan victory.
2.) President Yanukovych overthrown.
3.) *Restoration of their Constitution.*
4.) Berkut special police force dissolved.
5.) The raise of the Ukrainian nationalism and rightwing organizations and militias.
6.) 50 suspects, "including top officials," are charged with organizing the killing of protesters.
The Ukranians did all of this without guns,,, Us Americans not only have guns and a lot of them.
Many of these American gun owners have took it upon themselves to get training.
Also in America we have a lot of combat experienced veterans that have the "know how" and will attempt to teach the ones that don't.
Military men and woman have said that a big majority of the military personal will side with the US Constitution side.
I have read the same thing regarding LE ... I believe them, why would I doubt their word.
They would know more about that issue than I would.
You have posted the same points over and over in multiple threads.
( Government buildings, politicians, and engaging those that are in charge of protecting both of them )
With this post, I have effectively countered your points with some good points of my own IMO.
I believe that it can be done here in America if necessary... And I also believe that people who live in the rural areas
are a self reliant, freedom loving people and will fight if and when they are cornered...
I am proudly one of those people... WOOF!
Unfortunately 4 years later, corruption has taken hold again in the Ukraine... But that's not my point.
My point is, it can be done, It has been done... It was done by the Euromaidan even without any guns.
The difference is,,, Americans have a lot of guns and know how to use them effectively.
That's why the Democrats and RINO's are trying desperately to get what guns they can out of our possession.
Because if a Government take over can be done without guns, it sure as hell can be done with them.