"The same Russian ambassador that the media and Democrats are up in arms over visited the Obama White House and met with White House officials at least 22 times, and several of those visits were in" …
Donald Trump Questions ‘Sick Guy’ Barack Obama for ‘Wire Tapping’ His Campaign - Breitbart[URL='']Donald Trump Questions ‘Sick Guy’ Barack Obama for ‘Wire Tapping’ His Campaign - Breitbart[/URL]
As former Heat Street editor Louise Mensch reported the day before the election, “sources with links to the counter-intelligence community” confirmed that a FISA court had granted a FISA court warrant in October to monitor activities in Trump tower. They were previously denied a request in June, according to the report as well as a report in the Guardian.
The New York Times reported on Wednesday that the Obama team classified the investigation at the lowest possible level, allowing the data gathered from the investigation to be shared and leaked widely within the administration.
In January, The New York Times reported that intelligence reports based on some of the wiretapped communications had been provided to the Obama White House even though there was “no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing” between Russian officials and associates of Trump.
"The same Russian ambassador that the media and Democrats are up in arms over visited the Obama White House and met with White House officials at least 22 times, and several of those visits were in" …
Donald Trump Questions ‘Sick Guy’ Barack Obama for ‘Wire Tapping’ His Campaign - Breitbart[URL='']Donald Trump Questions ‘Sick Guy’ Barack Obama for ‘Wire Tapping’ His Campaign - Breitbart[/URL]
As former Heat Street editor Louise Mensch reported the day before the election, “sources with links to the counter-intelligence community” confirmed that a FISA court had granted a FISA court warrant in October to monitor activities in Trump tower. They were previously denied a request in June, according to the report as well as a report in the Guardian.
The New York Times reported on Wednesday that the Obama team classified the investigation at the lowest possible level, allowing the data gathered from the investigation to be shared and leaked widely within the administration.
In January, The New York Times reported that intelligence reports based on some of the wiretapped communications had been provided to the Obama White House even though there was “no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing” between Russian officials and associates of Trump.