NYS Judges may take an oath not to allow enforcement of the NYS or Federal BOR, so that they get a stipend from Xi.
Hochul has seceeded from the Union, and is running a totalitarian monarchy...rule by lipstick, not written laws...Native American Societies were run like this.
That dictionary reference is unique, AND MODERN, PRINTED IN OLD ITALICS.............and is basically modern day propaganda, in regards to well regulated. A KEY DEFINITION..............
Such was put forth in Heller by the libs..........
Regulation firearms, saddles, cannons, uniforms, were the order of the day and the right to keep and bear arms that are miltary equivalents- regulation firearms, is implicit.
Unorganized Militias are by definition the "people." Militias in the Revolution can be seen in Mel Gibbs RW movie...were pretty much well regulated in reference to arms, not discipline.
Read Heller and McDonald, supporting briefs and the decisions.
Read Heller and McDonald, supporting briefs and the decisions.
Thought I'd update this: now they're going after the Shop that LEGALLY sold the rifle used...next will be the Ammunition Company, Magazine Company, et.al.https://files.constantcontact.com/1dda4795801/fe8e7669-9d72-436d-b136-ab28347b8283.jpg
SA much as NY would gladly disarm any and all, as well as make us controllable as Felons, I find difficulty in the logistics of arresting, confiscating, prosecuting, and incarcerating MILLIONS of New Yorker's...remember it was Cuomo that said there were "millions of assault weapons in NY" and I can tell you for a fact that many, many Rifles have been "modified" and sold since the passage some 11 years ago. There is this thing about Historical president, and during that time, how many Cases against "Assault Weapons" (by NY definition) have been brought forth with a ruling as to IF the "bullet button" or other magazine locking devices make the Rifle compliant or not?The issue has not been properly adjudicated........."work arounds", such as the mag lock, bullet button and spur grip have not resulted in any arrests......thousands of them out there.
No "work arounds" changes that.....a ruling of some sort will come out of this case and as libs run the system..they will rely upon the NYS law.............only SCOTUS can save us from the wrath of aunt jemima.
After the NYS court decision ...possession of any full featured gun, with a mag lock will be a felony, and you may be arrested.
Court will find against the gun store, and state for the record, that "work arounds" are felonies. Mfg'ing an assault weapon is a felony, and the gun store is in deep shit.
Thought I'd update this: now they're going after the Shop that LEGALLY sold the rifle used...next will be the Ammunition Company, Magazine Company, et.al.https://files.constantcontact.com/1dda4795801/fe8e7669-9d72-436d-b136-ab28347b8283.jpg
apologies for linking a picture of the article, it was the best I could do.
It does not say "designed to accept", it says "ability to accept". Two very different concepts.The issue has not been properly adjudicated........."work arounds", such as the mag lock, bullet button and spur grip have not resulted in any arrests......thousands of them out there.
No "work arounds" changes that.....a ruling of some sort will come out of this case and as libs run the system..they will rely upon the NYS law.............only SCOTUS can save us from the wrath of aunt jemima.
After the NYS court decision ...possession of any full featured gun, with a mag lock will be a felony, and you may be arrested.
Court will find against the gun store, and state for the record, that "work arounds" are felonies. Mfg'ing an assault weapon is a felony, and the gun store is in deep shit.
Not quite the NYState law definition:…..
Some people get wrapped up in absolutes: Back during the first AW Ban, there was someone working as an "expert witness" that swore that if testifying to threads being present under a permanently attached Muzzle Brake would claim in Court that it was indeed a "Threaded Muzzle" and simply would not accept that once a device had been High-Temp Soldered in accordance with BATFE stipulations that those threads were no longer a design feature. The whole idea behind the Bullet Button was fixing the magazine to the receiver such that it could no longer detach, keeping in mind that you can "remove" the Engine from your Car, but you cannot "detach" it. The Laws were written inanely and capriciously with deliberation to obfuscate the common interpretation to whomever is reading them, be they Citizen, Judge, DA, or Juror.Not quite the NYState law definition:
22. "Assault weapon" means
(a) a semiautomatic rifle that has an ability to accept a detachable
magazine and has at least one of the following characteristics:
(i) a folding or telescoping stock;
(ii) a pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of
the weapon;
(iii) a thumbhole stock;
(iv) a second handgrip or a protruding grip that can be held by the
non-trigger hand;
(v) a bayonet mount;
(vi) a flash suppressor, muzzle break, muzzle compensator, or threaded
barrel designed to accommodate a flash suppressor, muzzle break, or
muzzle compensator;
(vii) a grenade launcher
It could but likely they will single out only gun related companies. I highly doubt a car company will ever be held to this standard or they would have been already.This could truly be the crest of the slippery slope. What other product manufacturers need to start worrying about someone misusing their items in a criminal way and have the liability fall back onto them?
I thought the standard was "is the magazine" removable and that's why mag logs are used.It does not say "designed to accept", it says "ability to accept". Two very different concepts.
Its original design is completely irrelevant.. What matters is what it has the ability to do at the time of the sale.
Huh, looks an awful lot like a weaponized Law...We'll make it menacing, ambiguous, technically challenged, and fraught with actions that could be used against anyone the State chooses to fuck with...NY Legislators didn't write the Laws, they're too dumb and lazy, instead they came from the liberal fuckwit lobbying organizations such as Everytown, Brady Campaign, etc.There has been no real action on the issue until Letita sued mean Arms, for selling devices that allow the magazine to be detachable... fundamental design, meets ability...a short hop for any lib Judge....time to detach mag is not in the law...5 seconds or 5 hours...does not matter...it can be removed....by original design and now ability.........
Will a cop who sees a mean arms full featured gun just keep on walking?
When does DD's Ranch get sued,next?
Smith & Wesson M&P15 SPORT II 5.56mm NEW YORK STATE SAFE ACT LEGAL AR-15 Type Rifle
Smith & Wesson M&P15 SPORT II 5.56mm NEW YORK STATE SAFE ACT LEGAL AR-15 Type Rifleddsranch.com
Cops obviously waiting for a court decision.............
Only SCOTUS can save us.
Mean Arms is in a world of shit IF they don't knuckle under and PAY...All this is about one thing: MONEY and it's disgustingly pursued as "Justice".The Remington 700 bolt action rifle, has the ability to accept a mag. Most guns do.
Is it a design flaw by Remington?
The design vs ability, debate, is basically moot...but in limbo until courts reach decisions.
Mean arms is in a world of shit...............
Huh? I was simply correcting his "quote" direct from the written law. What does that have to do with a gen Z in his moms basement? You lost me there.I thought the standard was "is the magazine" removable and that's why mag logs are used.
I have a problem with a gen Z that still lives at home hiding a MSR under his bed.
It’s not just about money it’s about more fun co tell and shitting down businesses or having businesses too scared to sell anything to NYS and other picky states.Mean Arms is in a world of shit IF they don't knuckle under and PAY...All this is about one thing: MONEY and it's disgustingly pursued as "Justice".
Again, with the weaponizing of the Laws. you'd be astounded at how many think that ban applies to their 700 and other non-semiautomatic guns...people are stupid, especially in New York.
The WA ban is back in effect 2 hours after the judge ruled it unConstitutional thanks to the state supreme court. I'm fairly certain the 9th circus Court did the same for the CA ruling.![]()
Federal judge again overturns California ban on high-capacity gun magazines
A federal judge for the second time overturned California's ban on large-capacity ammunition magazines that can hold more than 10 bullets, ruling that it lacked a historical basis and is therefore unconstitutional.www.latimes.com
Meanwhile in the Soviet Socialist Republic of New York the infringement continues.![]()
WA’s ban on high-capacity gun magazines ruled unconstitutional
Minutes after a Cowlitz County judge’s ruling Monday evening, the state Supreme Court issued an emergency stay, keeping the ban in effect for now.www.seattletimes.com