I am just going to through in there another non-NFA option for those who are paranoid about CC compliance in
some states and cities. Call whoever you need to call to make sure you are ok in your area so you can be happy
about this choice...
View attachment 75785
I don't think that @GOPerfect meant fuck it I will get one in a diminishing way to others.
I took it more like he didn't want to spend so much on a toy or the arbitrarily of the non-nfa options that btw has
been clarified in this and other forums.
I general I think people need to chilax a little with the whole cops vs. the people thing. Cops are just like us,
regular people and there are bad ones and good ones and everything in the middle. lucky many more good ones than bad ones.
What people need to be worried a lot is about the Politicians and other forms of parasites surrounding us.
No one said anything about good bad cop
We know thugs do not give a chit about anything or anyone or any laws so I am not surprised about this type of bubba tactical arrangement.Jokes aside there have been plenty of bad guys picked up with actual guns painted to look like this, or inserted into one.