No way he walksChicken arms was using an approved Minneapolis PD restraint. He'll walk.
No way he walksChicken arms was using an approved Minneapolis PD restraint. He'll walk.
Exactly. In this one you don’t need to know what went on before. I’d have seen the before videos and it doesn’t even appear he resisted in those videos either.I usually don't watch or comment on these types of videos because I don't know full story or what led up to these events, but I just watched this one. These cops, and the department need to be severely punished. There was absolutely no excuse to be kneeling on his neck for 8 minutes while he was clearly subdued. What the fuck were they waiting for?
Hey, I like and share your compassion but let’s make this clear NO ONE WILL TACKLE A FUCKING COP, let’s just make sure we all understand that. No one is willing to take that assault on a law enforcement officer charge or resisting arrest or interfering with a investigation/arrest/obstruction. Yes what these law enforcement officers did is criminal and hope the FBI and the court throw the book at these guys but situations like this happens in places where Law Enforcement Officers aren’t really held responsible. Things like this always happens with the NYPD and rarely ever face accountability. If they aren’t held responsible I’ll blame their DA or state attorney or whoever. Can you even claim self defense against a cop? Let’s say the roles were switched where it was a civilians knee on the officers neck what would’ve happened? Probably would’ve gotten killed, so why when we have situations like this why can’t we do the same for the civilians safety? But the officers just get “fired”? Only law enforcement have the right to “I feared for my life” but when civilians fear for the life while a cop is conducting some unconstitutional shit it’s not good enough.
Agreed on all accounts, and was just having this conversation with my stepson. Any honest citizens would want to "bum rush" anyone hurting someone if it didnt seem justified, but doing that to cops would be a bad idea. In this situation that would end up with a bunch of dead citizens because the cops would have likely started shooting. In the cops minds they were right, so if citizens took action they arent going to back down and say "sorry, you guys are right", they will use DPF to defend their position. Its likely the reason the cop stayed on his neck for so long, in defiance of the public challenging "his authority".Hey, I like and share your compassion but let’s make this clear NO ONE WILL TACKLE A FUCKING COP, let’s just make sure we all understand that. No one is willing to take that assault on a law enforcement officer charge or resisting arrest or interfering with a investigation/arrest/obstruction. Yes what these law enforcement officers did is criminal and hope the FBI and the court throw the book at these guys but situations like this happens in places where Law Enforcement Officers aren’t really held responsible. Things like this always happens with the NYPD and rarely ever face accountability. If they aren’t held responsible I’ll blame their DA or state attorney or whoever. Can you even claim self defense against a cop? Let’s say the roles were switched where it was a civilians knee on the officers neck what would’ve happened? Probably would’ve gotten killed, so why when we have situations like this why can’t we do the same for the civilians safety? But the officers just get “fired”? Only law enforcement have the right to “I feared for my life” but when civilians fear for the life while a cop is conducting some unconstitutional shit it’s not good enough.
Cops fired in record time. Arrests likely coming up next. i definitely do blame people for rioting. If the PD had come out saying these guys were cleared after internal investigation so go back to your lives then I could understand some unrest.I do t even know what to say. I don’t blame them for rioting over this one. The one cop will be arrested and convicted.
If somebody had tackled the cop after several minutes into the video AND the guy still died, I think despite being arrested the person who did it would not ever be charged because it would be clear that they had tried to save somebody's life, the death of that person justified their action, and the cop deserved to be tackled. However, had they tackled the guy and he lived, the cop would have just argued it was a typical arrest, and the person tackling would spend five years in prison for assaulting a cop, even if their action had literally saved the person's life.Its a tough call but I believe the video would clear a citizen of wrongdoing if they assisted the victim.
Perrys ice cream going out of business.Wondering- what would cause *us* on this forum to riot?
I'm not saying it's right, just a thought exercise.
Agreed on all accounts, and was just having this conversation with my stepson. You would want the citizens to "bum rush" the cops in this situation. Not just for this particular perp, but for the injustice and the principle of it. But that would end up with a bunch of dead citizens because the cops would have likely started shooting. In the cops minds they were right, so if citizens took action they arent going to back down and say "sorry, you guys are right", they will use DPF to defend their position. Its likely the reason the cop stayed on his neck for so long, in defiance of the public challenging "his authority".
He stayed calm (passive aggressive) while cutting off circulation to the guys brain, to say "fuck you" to the citizens filming and telling him to get off the guys neck. He didnt want to look "weak" to the hood rats that were yelling at him, and in turn he killed the guy. The perp could be a real dirtbag, but we cant have cops using bad judgement like this patrolling the streets. It doesnt matter if he was previously resisting, because he was clearly subdued and not fighting anymore.
I dont care so much about this one individual, about the principle behind this type of behavior. And the media just makes the divide between the public and LE even greater. We need to bridge that divide but with a leftist controlled media i dont see that happening. We will see alot more bad racial stories in the months to come, designed to rile up the black community to get them motivated to vote, while the media will keep trashing Trump and call him racist.
Its always the same with the elitists in control, DIVIDE AND CONQUER.
Wondering- what would cause *us* on this forum to riot?
I'm not saying it's right, just a thought exercise.
It's hard to say what I would do in that moment if I had been a civilian watching this but I was filled with rage watching the video last night.As always I have no idea what he did beforehand.
But...the video looks very damning. It appears to me the guy was substantially outnumbered by police, fully, entirely restrained, and simply suffocated until he was killed, despite telling the cop many times he was unable to breathe, and many others also urging the cop to get off because he's choking him. Pretty nasty video, even worse than the garner one IMO because this one happened over such a longer period of time and there are a few minutes of this guy not even attempting to get away--simply being suffocated to death on film.
That cop needs a lawyer asap, he's in big shit and I hope the others who were with him are as well. Actually wish the crowd had just rushed the cop to get him away.
I must have phrased it wrong, because my intent is NOT to have people bum rush the cops. I meant that an honest person would WANT to stop a clear injustice, regardless of who is perpetrating it, but that it would be a bad idea since these are cops. Did you read my whole post? Ill edit my post so it doesnt look like I am in support of actually doing that.Terrible precedent to set because the vast majority of the public is stupid and the vast majority of police encounters that involve force are fully lawful and justified. We don’t need a situation where every police encounter is made worse because of a) perps who feel emboldened or b) a populace that feels they can determine whether the cops are correct or not and then attack.
Obviously this is a poor example because it was egregious, but if I was trying to restrain a perp legally and someone pounced on me, I’d absolutely consider shooting one or more people to protect myself.
“Majority of the public is stupid and the vast majority of police encounters that involve force are fully lawful and justified.” But a vast majority of law enforcement officers have their moments when they’re in the wrong and face no accountability. This was a recorded situation that the media caught wind of and the public felt outraged about, what about situations that are not recorded and the cops are definitely in the wrong? Situations when cops interpretation of the law is highly incorrect? Violate constitutional rights? Or feel above the law? My cousin and I got stopped in frisked a few years ago just because I was walking with my hands in my pockets during the night in NYC. Though I’m not breaking any laws does Law Enforcement have the right to stop a frisk me? That law enforcement officer suspected that I have a firearm because it was a “high crime area” so he’s allowed to violate my constitutional protected rights but when trying to apply for a FULL CARRY PISTOL LICENSE “should be noted, however, the mere fact that they have been the victim of a crime or reside or are employed in a "high crime area" does not establish "proper cause" for the issuance of a self-protection license.” So why violate my rights for something you think I have when the city denies that same exact thing? This is a gun forum and we talk about how cool out latest “in SAFE ACT” guns are and latest builds but forget the right to protect yourself and protect others. There is too many times where law enforcement officers just get the slap on the wrist or just fired. I personally have nothing against law enforcement hate the fact that only LEO are protected under the LEOSA think military should be too but we are no strangers to police abusing their authority.Terrible precedent to set because the vast majority of the public is stupid and the vast majority of police encounters that involve force are fully lawful and justified. We don’t need a situation where every police encounter is made worse because of a) perps who feel emboldened or b) a populace that feels they can determine whether the cops are correct or not and then attack.
Obviously this is a poor example because it was egregious, but if I was trying to restrain a perp legally and someone pounced on me, I’d absolutely consider shooting one or more people to protect myself.
Well, it didnt happen at the safe act rallies when it probably should have.Wondering- what would cause *us* on this forum to riot?
I'm not saying it's right, just a thought exercise.
The thing is everybody--100%--of people who have jobs fail to do them properly at all times, every time. Regardless of profession. So cops will never be perfect. The problem is when they are imperfect that imperfection directly and often severely impacts other people. I would say any cop who's been on the job more than a month has probably made a procedural mistake somewhere, at the very least.“Majority of the public is stupid and the vast majority of police encounters that involve force are fully lawful and justified.” But a vast majority of law enforcement officers have their moments when they’re in the wrong and face no accountability. This was a recorded situation that the media caught wind of and the public felt outraged about, what about situations that are not recorded and the cops are definitely in the wrong? Situations when cops interpretation of the law is highly incorrect? Violate constitutional rights? Or feel above the law? My cousin and I got stopped in frisked a few years ago just because I was walking with my hands in my pockets during the night in NYC. Though I’m not breaking any laws does Law Enforcement have the right to stop a frisk me? That law enforcement officer suspected that I have a firearm because it was a “high crime area” so he’s allowed to violate my constitutional protected rights but when trying to apply for a FULL CARRY PISTOL LICENSE “should be noted, however, the mere fact that they have been the victim of a crime or reside or are employed in a "high crime area" does not establish "proper cause" for the issuance of a self-protection license.” So why violate my rights for something you think I have when the city denies that same exact thing? This is a gun forum and we talk about how cool out latest “in SAFE ACT” guns are and latest builds but forget the right to protect yourself and protect others. There is too many times where law enforcement officers just get the slap on the wrist or just fired. I personally have nothing against law enforcement hate the fact that only LEO are protected under the LEOSA think military should be too but we are no strangers to police abusing their authority.
“Majority of the public is stupid and the vast majority of police encounters that involve force are fully lawful and justified.” But a vast majority of law enforcement officers have their moments when they’re in the wrong and face no accountability. This was a recorded situation that the media caught wind of and the public felt outraged about, what about situations that are not recorded and the cops are definitely in the wrong? Situations when cops interpretation of the law is highly incorrect? Violate constitutional rights? Or feel above the law? My cousin and I got stopped in frisked a few years ago just because I was walking with my hands in my pockets during the night in NYC. Though I’m not breaking any laws does Law Enforcement have the right to stop a frisk me? That law enforcement officer suspected that I have a firearm because it was a “high crime area” so he’s allowed to violate my constitutional protected rights but when trying to apply for a FULL CARRY PISTOL LICENSE “should be noted, however, the mere fact that they have been the victim of a crime or reside or are employed in a "high crime area" does not establish "proper cause" for the issuance of a self-protection license.” So why violate my rights for something you think I have when the city denies that same exact thing? This is a gun forum and we talk about how cool out latest “in SAFE ACT” guns are and latest builds but forget the right to protect yourself and protect others. There is too many times where law enforcement officers just get the slap on the wrist or just fired. I personally have nothing against law enforcement hate the fact that only LEO are protected under the LEOSA think military should be too but we are no strangers to police abusing their authority.
Like I said again I have nothing against cops if you want to believe me or take that with a grain of salt by all means go ahead but I’m just letting you know where I stand with cops. I personally have nothing against them, I’m just stating the mere fact that there are times when law enforcement are in the wrong and just face no accountability. We are literally having a debate. Most cops are vets and most cops support vets. Law Enforcement have some of the most amazing jobs and get to do some pretty cool shit. If you don’t want to reply you don’t have to, but if you do there’s probably good counter arguments that you could bring up that makes the topic more engaging.Sorry this and your last post just make you sound drunk and you don’t like cops clearly so any response would be a waste of my time.
Agreed with this too. We all make mistakes in our work and life, but because LE can severely impact someones life they need to be, and should be held to a much higher standard.The thing is everybody--100%--of people who have jobs fail to do them properly at all times, every time. Regardless of profession. So cops will never be perfect. The problem is when they are imperfect that imperfection directly and often severely impacts other people. I would say any cop who's been on the job more than a month has probably made a procedural mistake somewhere, at the very least.
I would have loved to have seen this cop bum rushed by a linebacker, but it would have been threading a needle legally and likely the bumrusher stuck in prison. The best you can do otherwise is hope a bunch of people are filming. This cop had people filming, he was warned he was killing the guy. Short of bumrushing the cop and getting probably shot (at the least violently arrested and possibly choked yourself by sergeant chicken arms) what else can you do
You're so predictable. The lynch mob already committed murder. Maybe they will meet the same fate!The lynch mob has been formed.
Of course certain groups are going to riot.
Where we're all these people when the homeless guy was living like shit on the streets? Why did none of the community members care enough to help this poor bastard when he was alive?
Yeah, they won't help, but they will riot and destroy what is not theirs. Typical.
Lmao! Nothing. How many here lost their business or Job (LIVELIHOOD) because of all this and just sit there while collecting "hush" (unemployment/stimulas) money? Thousand of jobs lost with Businesses gone and nothing. Hundreds of Thousands should be in the streets protesting at this point by now.Wondering- what would cause *us* on this forum to riot?
I'm not saying it's right, just a thought exercise.