20×102mm Vulcan
I don't think I'll ever look at a mope with a skateboard the same way again.MIAMI PD DO NOT PLAY
I don't think I'll ever look at a mope with a skateboard the same way again.MIAMI PD DO NOT PLAY
I don't think I'll ever look at a mope with a skateboard the same way again.
When this doesn’t work well they will blame racism again.BREAKING: Minneapolis City Council unanimously passes resolution to replace police department with a “community-led public safety system” - Reuters
The flag means more than the gold casket.
The powers that be on social media will do everything they can to suppress that video.Damn. The video was on a basketball court. Short, bald and older white guy being harrassed by a black guy. At least 8 inches taller and at least 100 lbs heavier. Big black grabed the little white dude chocked him out, snapped his neck and threw his dead body on the ground all the while, the others blacks cheered him on. Quite disturbing. Maybe ol whitey should riot and burn down their shit. Nah, nevermind.
White cop shot a black man in Atlanta at a Wendy's restaurant. The restaurant is now in flames and the chief of police has resigned. The riots will continue. Madness has gripped this country and I don't see it ending anytime soon.
The powers that be on social media will do everything they can to suppress that video.
Yeah, saw that one. Big black tights with police. Steals a weapon from cop. Shots at cops. Cops kill the vermin and the community burns down the restaurant. Yep, makes sense to me
That weapon being a taser. Explain the justification for application of lethal force in this scenario. The facts relating to justified actions don't require embellishment or selective omission.
Let me ask a question. Explain the justification for violently resisting arrest if there is indeed open season on black people by cops. If cops are truly quick on the trigger why on Earth would anyone violently resist arrest and risk getting shot?That weapon being a taser. Explain the justification for application of lethal force in this scenario. The facts relating to justified actions don't require embellishment or selective omission.
Yes, it's a serious question. What you are being asked is to provide the justification for lethal force being applied...very simple. And in your other post, you are conflating questioning the police's actions with defending the actions of the deceased.Are you serious? Should they have asked him to put it down and cuff up? What is wrong with you? This drunken asshole, dead now, did all of this. All of it. You steal a weapon from the police, shoot at them and expect them to do nothing? Give it up dude. Seriously.
Here’s the answer. You are a citizen armed an open carrying. Or perhaps in the field hunting with your rifle. A criminal comes up to you with a traser and points it at you. Do you let him do it so that he can immobilize you and take your firearm so that he can kill you with it, or do you defend your life?Yes, it's a serious question. What you are being asked is to provide the justification for lethal force being applied...very simple. And in your other post, you are conflating questioning the police's actions with defending the actions of the deceased.
Atlanta mayor pouring gas on the fire. Said cops should not have shot guy who stole and fired a taser at them last night. Said just because they could do it, doesn't mean they should have done it. Calling for them to be fired. What world do these people live in?If a friend of mine attacked two cops, stole one of their tasers and tried to shoot them with it, resulting in an officer killing my friend, I would be sad... ...but I would also be furious that my friend acted so stupidly that he brought it upon himself.
And some here want to defend him. Wow, just wow.
Yes, force being used is justifiable in my opinion, as the deceased was running away and attempting to use the tazer on the cops. What is in question is the level of force used.A related law, 16-3-21, shines more light on the issue. It reads:
"A person is justified in threatening or using force against another when and to the extent that he or she reasonably believes that such threat or force is necessary too defend himself or herself or a third person against such other's imminent use of unlawful force."
16-3-21 says a person can only use force when "he or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent death or great bodily injury to himself or herself or a third person or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony."
This is Georgia law.