20×102mm Vulcan
Domestic Terrorism – Missouri Couple Defends Their Home From Rampaging Mob Who Broke Through Perimeter Gate on Private Property
Coming soon to a home near you. A Missouri mob of looters/protestors was very lucky not to be legally shot as a well-armed couple defend their home from the mob that broke through their perimeter gate. Video shows the armed couple facing down the mob.
The important aspect is here the mob was not on a public street; the mob represented a clear threat; and Missouri has strong Castle Doctrine laws that do not require a duty of the homeowner to retreat from the threat. This mob was very fortunate the couple were well disciplined in their use of firearms.
Coming soon to a home near you. A Missouri mob of looters/protestors was very lucky not to be legally shot as a well-armed couple defend their home from the mob that broke through their perimeter gate. Video shows the armed couple facing down the mob.
The important aspect is here the mob was not on a public street; the mob represented a clear threat; and Missouri has strong Castle Doctrine laws that do not require a duty of the homeowner to retreat from the threat. This mob was very fortunate the couple were well disciplined in their use of firearms.

Domestic Terrorism - Missouri Couple Defends Their Home From Rampaging Mob Who Broke Through Perimeter Gate on Private Property... - The Last Refuge
Coming soon to a home near you. A Missouri mob of looters/protestors was very lucky not to be legally shot as a well-armed couple defend their home from the mob that broke through their perimeter gate. Video shows the armed couple facing down the mob. The important aspect is here the mob was...