Someone rang? It's kinda cool. The roller locking might make it a bit more smoother than a traditional ak and the ergos might be slightly better for some but I don't think you will gain much more than that. The gun itself can't improve the caliber much. It looks kinda big as well. It actually doesn't look much shorter than a 16inch ak. But if HK is your thing and you have 3k to spend then go for it.
These have an 8 inch barrel weigh 5 pounds and are $670 without the brace. Even with a stock and tax stamp you'd be coming in at under 1K. But I'm cheap like that
That's the bastard rifle I want. But in 6.5 Grendel, if they are actually doing this conversion in that caliber yet.
Back to the Brethren Arms gun..... what is the advantage of basing it off an MP5 as opposed to the full size rifle? Or is it indeed and the just slapped on an MP5ish handguard.
I would rather see something like a thoroughly modernized take on the the design, kinda like what Ian got from this same company and further updated with the SPHUR parts only further updated. I'd like to see more top rail and elevated folding sights to match the SPHUR stock.
This is the rifle I'm referring to:
Ian of Forgotten Weapons had Brethern Arms convert his to a left hand charging handle.
I would agree with @Podmonkey I'd like to see something with the well proven roller lock design but say in something more ARish in controls and modularity