Trump could override her "national security" claim, If they got him involved.Let me look into my crystal ball.........
She gets subpeonaed, shows up and pleads the 5th or that she can't answer because of national security.
Yeah, I know. She'll likely do both because I'm sure she's neck deep in the bad stuff.A lot of Govt 101 flunkees here...
5th has nothing to do with natl. security. She could invoke against self incrimination. They could give her absolute immunity but she could still lie.
Trump has no power to compel anyone to testify PERIOD !
Who wouldn't? She'd be dumb not to. There lies the rub. This will end up going nowhere. The power of subpoena is a joke.And so would you if you were as corrupt and power made as she is.
Got a prediction @GOPerfect?