@DoD1776 Like others have mentioned, when you initially start carrying you’re going to feel like everyone can see your gun and it’ll make you a bit paranoid. You reaching for it and adjusting it all the time will bring more attention to people noticing it. Though plenty of people won’t notice, I also try and make sure no one notices, it’s not an excuse to go out all sloppy and not care either. The longer you carry the more you get used to it. Start wearing it around the house and get a feel to what works best for your body type because if it’s not comfortable, you’re not likely to carry it anyway. So to hopefully remedy the printing thing good gear is a big thing. Definitely get a nicer belt, trying to carry appendix with those thin flimsy leather belt ain’t gonna cut it. Get a solid stiff belt like Kore Essentials, I run their X5 and it’s been great. Having a ratcheting belt gives you much finer points if adjustability, which comes in handy when changing positions like going from standing to sitting in my vehicle. All I have to do it reach down and pull the small lever and it loosen up a bit. As soon as I get back out of my vehicle or done sitting, I can tighten the belt right back up again without an issue. Also pick up some kind of wedges, they help twofold. The wedges not only make it more comfortable so you don’t have kydex pushing directly up against you but it also pushes the bottom of the holster away from your body causing the top section where the grip is (the part that prints the most) to push in tighter to your body. Definitely move that buckle from the center of your body. When you’re appendix carrying you don’t want to stack the buckle on top of the holster which adds more bulk up front, so shift it to the side out of the way. Another big thing that helps is your attire. You obviously don’t want to wear skin tight clothes, that’s not going to be beneficial. You start to realize what sizes you need to start buying to help conceal carry. Shirts with patterns like plaid definitely help break up the printing and you’ll probably want to go up one size in pants than you normally are to compensate for the gun and holster you’ll be stuffing in there. Also body type is a factor, honestly working out helps a shit ton. If you have a wide thick upper back, and chest, and a thin waist, the shirt drapes more and makes it even easier to conceal. So hit the gym a little too if you’re able to. It absolutely makes it easier to conceal.