What you wrote makes all the sense in the world. However, with a media hell bent on tearing down that ideal and bought and paid for activists agitating to the point of violence, we are left with few options. They are trying to control the narrative and/or trap free thinking people like you and I into some out of context mess they can use to further isolate, dehumanize and vilify. These assholes need to be dealt with harshly. We are at war. I've come to realize we are at war. It really is a war for your minds. The country is being played and people are falling for it.This is sad. I do not care about Confederate or Union. That age is over and done with. Not one person alive today fought for either side. Long gone. It is our History. They are trying everything in their power to erase what we hold dear. No, not the ideas of the War between the States; not the ideas of Racism or slavery; but the idea of what makes America, America. Our past is what we are made of. Whether as a Country or as a person.
Each one of us is who we are because of our life choices. Take away what we did and the way we lived, you take away who we are. I served in the Army for a long time; much of who I am today is because of my service, my time away from home, my time oversees and so on. If someone were to erase all of that, they would erase who I am today. All of my personal history, all of what I have done and seen is what makes me who I am today. My choices in employment throughout my life adds to who I have become. This is true for all of us.
All this is the same when taking about our nation, our Country. Take away, erase our history and destroy our monuments, change our history books and who we have become these couple hundred years changes. We do not need to be proud of all history, but we need to embrace it and cherish it; we only have one history.
I hate our Gov Cumhole; I do not hate him because he is a democrat. I do not hate him because he is a Liberal; I hate him because he is clueless of what he is doing. Yeah, I do not give him credit and will not say that he knows or understands what he is doing. He is jumping on a bandwagon and does not understand the ramifications of his actions. This man is trying to take away something from all of us; he is doing things that he does not have the right to do.
Wanna know where the hate is coming from? These actions, the actions of these weak ass politicians, this is where the hate is coming from!