Ok, I'll agree to most of that but can you explain why Remington is not essential but liquor store are?
When I get home, I will tryOk, I'll agree to most of that but can you explain why Remington is not essential but liquor store are?
.......essential to tax revenues.Yup, because we all know that liquor shops are an essential
I'm pretty sure Cuomo is not terribly concerned with gun laws at this time. If he is, he's doing a very good job of hiding his concern as he talks every day about the virus.I keep saying there is a bigger picture here.
Cuomo is more concerened with anti gun policies than the "virus."
Meanwhile the economy is collapsing with Martial La ......I mean shelter in place being imposed.
Just got word CT is keeping public schools shut down till fall. I'll bet NY and MA will soon follow.
6-8 month quarantine.
In Putnam they stopped doing fingerprints last week so without that you couldn't apply for a permit anyway. So basically permits stopped last week.
The 2a is in the NY bill of rights thoughIt's time we go back to the organic constitution.
BTW where did NY's constitutional 2ndA disapear to?
Oh that's right. Both clucky Chucky and pannzy Andy feel no constitutional amendment is absolute.
I forget nothing!!!
#4 New York State Civil Rights Law | Article 2 | Bill of RightsWrong!
S 4. Right to keep and bear arms. A well regulated militia being
necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to
keep and bear arms cannot be infringed
Maybe because I'm not a lawyer, the law papers I've read on it in the past tell me that article 2 of the civil rights law is the NY bill of rights.Correct! But that is not the NY Bill of Rights.
You would lose that bet.I'm betting Remington was looking for any excuse to shut down Illion.
Maybe because I'm not a lawyer, the law papers I've read on it in the past tell me that article 2 of the civil rights law is the NY bill of rights.
None of this matters however. NY could have had written in their Bill of Rights that the 2A only applies to hunting. It would be invalid because the Federal Bill of Rights applies to the States.
So you're telling me the Bill Of Rights listed in NY Consolidated Laws, really isn't a Bill Of Rights.
We went through this before in numerous threads. Whether it always applied or it was reaffirmed to apply in 2010, it does now. That’s a fact. So why do you always argue as if it doesn’t until someone makes the point that it does now?Yes since 2010!
Maybe @RBean can clear this up? LolSo you're telling me the Bill Of Rights listed in NY Consolidated Laws, really isn't a Bill Of Rights.
New York Consolidated Laws, Civil Rights Law - CVR | FindLaw
Browse all sections of New York Civil Rights Law in Findlaw(:':)s databasecodes.findlaw.com
I know that as well as you, but the politicians and courts don't give a shit.Nothing to clear up. It’s irrelevant. The US Constitution applies to the States. Full brake.