Entering non-posted land is illegal....period.I'm gonna be that "well actually" guy here.
It doesn't often come up, but it's not trespassing, or at least a defense to criminal trespassing, on "unimproved and apparently unused land, which is neither fenced nor otherwise enclosed in a manner designed to exclude intruders,'" unless the prosecution can show that notice against trespass was personally communicated to the intruder by the owner of such land or other authorized person, or unless such notice was given by posting in a conspicuous manner."
PEOPLE v. BASCH | 36 N.Y.2d 154 (1975) | ny2d1541169 | Leagle.com
In other words, if the land isn't posted, hasn't been posted for a year, you've never been told to leave or not enter, the land isn't fenced, and it's apparently "unused," then you could be OK. That could apply to unposted woodland boundaries, for instance. Still, it's always a bad idea, because if you don't have permission you could run into trouble anyway.
It is also a DEC violation (illegal!) and hence poaching to hunt posted land without permission. You can lose your license for that; any game taken would be forfeited, and removing or possessing it is also illegal.
Land is considered posted for one year from when signs are placed even if the signs are no longer present (by trespassers, weather, animals etc).
If someone is a law abiding hunter, they know not to go anywhere without permission.
Every hunter ive even known knows not to enter any land that they dont have permission.
However, im sure many dont know.
Like the guys that say you can go on posted land to follow a deer youve shot.
Not true, without permission, that too is illegal.
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