20×102mm Vulcan
I have cut and pasted the following from the MAC Patreon page:
A frank discussion on Liberty
All of you know by now I am a political activist. In the past on the channel I've only gone political when we faced serious threats to our 2nd Amendment rights. It's been a few years since I had to lend my voice to the fight for our Liberty.
When Vegas happened I knew we were in for a long, drawn out and potentially very divisive, knock down - drag out, fight that may cost me followers, customers at Copper Custom and of course income.
I plan to make a video in due time to explain my history with the NRA and why I'm currently in a fight against their actions. Let me know if you think this is a video worth making.
I've been a staunch critic of the NRA because I pay close attention to things, and dig for things that most others don't. Most people take every word uttered by the NRA as the gospel. I believe in the words of a great man, "Trust but verify" ~ Ronald Reagan.
The NRA has never checked out. They've been corrupt and untrustworthy my entire life. The following article breaks down the extreme corruption, dishonesty and deceit within the NRA I've known about my entire adult life. I don't blindly follow any man or organization and I do my research to make sure that my money and trust is going to the right cause.
Basically, the NRA is a group that masquerades as a staunch advocate for our rights when in reality they have their finger prints all over every major anti-gun bill passed at the federal level since 1934.
The logical question is, "why do they do this?" The answer is simple: money and power for an elite few. The article above breaks down the corruption and the insane amounts of money given to their leadership. It's stomach turning to those who step outside of the NRA echo chamber and ignore the propaganda for a moment and digest what's covered in the article.
I was lured into thinking the NRA had a chance to be changed when I spoke with my friend Pete Brownell. Pete is a staunch "no compromise" man. I know this as a fact. So when he confided in me and said he was set to become the next president of the NRA, I said "if that happens I will become a life member." This is something I've told people my entire life I would never do.
Pete became the president, and I kept my word and at the NRAAM show that year, I bought my life time membership. I am a man of my word.
I was promised that the NRA was going to purge the bad apples, the entrenched, and was going to restructure to stop being compromisers. As a matter of fact, I was told at one point more than 10 bad apples were immediately terminated when Pete's leadership began. I was excited, I really thought we were making progress and my videos from that time period reflect this.
I was lead to believe they were going to take advantage of having a Republican controlled House, Senate and White House and not just stop future anti-gun laws, but work to undo past infringements.
In the 5 months I was with the NRA leading up to the events in Vegas I saw nothing notable regarding sweeping changes. I thought perhaps it would take time and I needed to be patient. So I kept recruiting for them and waiting for the changes to begin.
5 months into our new relationship the tragedy in Vegas happened. I immediately made a public announcement I was pulling all support for the NRA. Once again they stabbed their members in the back and ran from a fight we could have easily won in the legislature. Hell, we had stopped a full fledged "assault weapons ban" after Sandy Hook under the Obama administration!
Worse, their "joint statement" from Wayne and Chris was an utter betrayal of our liberty. They were demanding that an agency act with the authority of Congress and draft a new regulation to redefine what constitutes a machine gun. I've never been so angry in recent history. I was now ready to fight.
Here's that joint statement:
NRA | Joint Statement
The NRA is in lockstep with Dianne Feinstein, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi on the issue of giving the ATF sweeping powers to heavily restrict and regulate semi-autos and ban anything they deem to be a "rate increasing device" with the stroke of a bureaucrats pen. No act of Congress would be required.
I began a campaign to educate my fellow gun owners, but so many are absorbed in the lifestyle brand the NRA has created with the assistance from the crooks at Ackerman-McQueen.
Because the NRA spends millions to have a grotesque PR firm carefully craft a lifestyle brand, members proudly wear their NRA swag and preach about how "if we didn't have an NRA we wouldn't have any guns today." The truth is we have our guns DESPITE the actions of the NRA since 1934. But these lifestyle members don't want to hear this, their ego's can't handle it. What would they be if they weren't covered head to toe in NRA swag?
I will not stop holding the NRA accountable for their treason, and that's exactly what it is. They are traitors to the Constitution that I took an oath, which I take deadly serious, to protect and defend. I will stop at nothing to protect our Republic and our Rights. Liberty trumps lost Patreons, lost subscribers, lost income. I would rather live in a cardboard box and have 100% of my Liberty than live in a mansion with my rights stripped from me.
That's how our Founding Fathers felt when they drafted the Declaration of Independence and signed their names to the document. They knew the moment they did that they were likely signing their own death warrants. They told the most powerful nation of their time to shove it and we went to war. I try to follow in their footsteps (but I am not as courageous as they were). I admire them and their sacrifice to give birth to the greatest nation the world has ever seen.
It was then up to future generations to defend the liberty they fought so hard, and gave so much, to secure for us.
The NRA is a disgrace to our nation, our community and to its poorly informed membership. Most of them are purposely ignorant of the NRA's long history of treachery. They simply want to belong to the big team and wear the logo to look cool. They wear their NRA jackets and walk into gun stores backwards so everyone knows they're a NRA member. It's human nature for most of the population that I lovingly call "lemmings".
Until the NRA stops its current assault on our rights through backdoor dirty dealings with the ATF and every major anti-gun legislator on the Hill, I will not let up. I am actively recruiting my peers in social media to join me in my fight to stop the NRA and ATF from enacting this new regulation that will spell the end of semi-automatics the moment a new anti-gun administration takes office. At that point a stroke of a pen can chip away at our 2A rights without a vote from Congress.
So, when I read the exit surveys here on Patreon, I feel a sense of disgust when I read comments like this:
"Too much bashing of NRA. Tim has become the liberals best weapon to destroy the NRA. We would not be where we are today without the NRA. You don’t bash your wife when you disagree with her, or do you."
This person is the average NRA rah-rah boy that is incapable of free thought, or perhaps his ego is incapable of admitting he's been backing a treasonous organization for years. Either way, I'm glad he's gone because I don't want his blood money. Let him continue to support the enemies of Liberty and collaborate with their treason because he refuses to peel the NRA sticker off every window of his car or stop wearing his NRA hat. What would he be if he couldn't belong to the cool guys club anymore? How could he admit he's been complacent in the NRA's plot to subvert our Liberty so they can have a Boogieman to use as a method to scare their members into endlessly sending them money?
We must fight and put aside ego's and vanity. Liberty has a knife to her throat and the NRA and ATF are holding it. You're either part of the solution or you're part of the problem. I hope you guys see the evidence I've presented and stand on the right side of Liberty.
For those of you who listen and fight along side other Patriots that have had enough NRA "compromises", thank you for the support.
This fight will continue until we stop the NRA and ATF from their plot. Hopefully, at that point, we can get back to business as usual. I don't enjoy conflict, I usually try to avoid it. But when our Liberty is threatened, I'm all in and I will fight to the last man standing.
Anyway, I hope this clarifies my position. If this is something you don't agree with, or if you honestly believe the NRA is your best ally, I fully understand if you stop your support here on Patreon. I realize I face a Goliath that may very well crush me in the end. But I fear no man and I will never stop fighting for what I believe to be true and just. It's simply not in my DNA.
Hopefully we can win this battle and get back to normal programming. But until then, know that I will be relentless in my fight for what I believe to be right.
If you think this would be a good video to make for my entire YouTube audience, let me know below. If you think I'm off my rocker, let me know in the comments below as well.
But if you stand with me in what I believe to be a righteous fight for our freedom, please let me know that too.
Thank each and every one of you for your support. I couldn't possibly produce content and fight daily for our 2nd Amendment rights without your support. Hopefully I've earned your trust and you share my passion for the preservation (and restoration) of our rights.
I'm sorry for the novel I've authored here. Have a great night my brothers and sisters in arms. Tomorrow is another day to take the fight to the enemy.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
I seen and posted in a forum some where here .. NRA spokes woman Dana said pistol permit were not infringing on 2A .. a month or so ago .. I liked her up util i seen that .. they can all F off .. do it MAC .. the F ATF is unconstitutional ... change the 2A and add bump stocks and pistols or a list of shit or STFU .. shall not infringe ..