Dr. Evil
20×102mm Vulcan
1. Agree on the third world folks coming here.We are overrun with third-world invaders though, and getting more third-world all the time as this isn't addressed.
For an extremely contagious disease like measles, or whooping cough, if you are not immune, it effectively does.
So what? It's extremely miserable, it occasionally has serious complications which can be disabling, and in very rare cases, it is deadly. For other diseases, like pertussis/whooping cough, death is less rare.
Seriously, hepatitis A? Unless you are making out (or more) with your patients, there's not much risk of transmitting hepatitis. Why would you compare hepatitis, which is not easily transmitted through casual contact (swapping spit at least), with extremely contagious diseases like measles and whooping cough, that spread through the air?
Like I said before, I have mixed feelings, but I think requiring vaccinations for school at least is appropriate. If you don't want to vaccinate your kids, homeschool.
2/3. I would rather take better care of myself and build my immune system naturally as opposed to artificially. Part of life is getting things. Again, things like mumps, chicken pox, measles won't kill a relatively healthy person if they get it. I will gladly deal with a short time of misery to avoid a longer time of misery and health issues that can come from artificial immunity down the road. The amount of auto immune issues in society is astounding. Getting things is how you prime the pump so to speak. Health isn't a lack of symptoms and never getting something contrary to the thought of many in this thread.
4. I guess Hep A wasn't the best example. Ok, things spread by air/breathing such as viruses, flus, etc.. In the 20 years in practice these exposures I have weekly with the people I see would then lead me to be sick very often if it was all about the germs. Guarantee if we cultured the throat of a bunch of people at any given time we would find some nasty stuff like possibly strep yet they wouldn't have strep. I'm just not willing to be forced to put things into myself and family because the majority of the population in this country treat themselves like shit as far as lifestyle and how they approach "health." That's when ANYTHING has the ability to do you in. That's like forcing gun control on those who don't break the law and do stupid things with their firearms but you pay for others being criminal and stupid. You guys keep doing what you do and I'll do the same. BTW, if your measles vaccine work so well you have nothing to fear of my kids not being vaccinated.
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