Deplorable Me
.700 Nitro Express
They could make this vaccination thing more interesting:
That’s BS. Most armies died of disease than anything else. Even with a good diet and exercise, these things will kill you if you don’t have prior exposure. Our population without vaccines are a virgin population to these diseases.I once read somewhere that a good diet and exercise is all that's ever needed to fight off these diseases.
I can't remember where though.
I was making fun of someone here who said that.That’s BS. Most armies died of disease than anything else. Even with a good diet and exercise, these things will kill you if you don’t have prior exposure. Our population without vaccines are a virgin population to these diseases.
I was making fun of someone here who said that.
my sons school sent out a letter saying you cant come to school for 30 days if you are not vaccinated
I posted this in another thread. Appropriate here.I'm conflicted on this. I don't like the idea of the government forcing people to take anything into their bodies. On the other hand, public health is real.
This is real: Measles is one of the most contagious diseases there is; you can get it just from breathing in a room hours after an infected person left. Normal age for first vaccine in the USA is one year. If my baby got measles and suffered horribly from some dope that didn't vaccinate their sick kid and brought them to the pediatrician, I would would be livid.
I got whooping cough a few years ago. I've been vaccinated, but I was towards the end of the vaccine cycle and my immunity had worn off. There's a lot of whooping cough in my area from nitwits who won't vaccinate. Whooping cough, like measles, is extremely contagious. I got whooping cough from casually breathing public air where one of these nitwits had been. It's not called the 100-day cough for no reason. I think it was longer than that for me. My coughing fits were so hard I would puke and feel like I was going to pass out because I couldn't breathe.
Whooping cough kills babies. If my kid had gotten whooping cough like that when they hadn't gotten vaccinated yet from one of these nitwits, and I had to watch him suffer like that with his tiny body, again, I would feel murderous. Whooping cough vaccine is extremely effective but it does wear off and is less than 100% effective and the first vaccination is at 2 months. A baby can get whooping cough before they are fully vaccinated and this is the most dangerous time.
Why is measles still endemic in Japan? - The Lancet
Japan Battles Worst Measles Outbreak in Years - The New York Times (Feb 22, 2019)
Sure I can but why would it matter? Either the information is correct or it isn't regardless of who it comes from. The problem is typically unless info comes from what many would refer to as "traditional" sources some seem to poo poo it without actually digesting or looking into it.You're quoting from a source, presumably, @Dr. Evil - can you share it?
This is not so much vax vs. non-vax IMHO. It is about the hysteria government is generating related to measles, for what reason and at what price.It seems you can find incredibly compelling evidence on both sides of the vax vs non-vax discussion. Depending upon which way you lean the evidence will be most reassuring or conversely most damning.
This is not so much vax vs. non-vax IMHO. It is about the hysteria government is generating related to measles, for what reason and at what price.
First of all we are talking about this country, not some third world country. Second, exposure to a disease doesn't equate to getting the disease. Third, getting measles is far from a death sentence. Fourth, "facts" you refer to are facts in your world based on your experience and understanding. I am around people that have so much shit health wise over the years in practice. A few months ago one of my patients who I was in close physical contact with for months told me that she was diagnosed with hepatitis A and I was treating her while she was "contagious." I really wasn't very concerned because I have more faith in my immune system and do quite a bit to make sure my body is functioning as optimally as possible. I have a different paradigm and experience than most. I do my best not to live in fear regarding health. BTW, you are welcome over the Evil residence anytime even after leaving the country. You could even hang out with my kids who weren't vaccinated with no concern from me regarding their health.Statistics... They can all be manipulated. Facts can't be manipulated. Let's deal with facts here.
Fact. And infected person will infect a group of non-infected people. If I was non-vaccinated and visited Honduras for example and got the measles and later went to the Evil residence, the Evils will get measles. Except maybe for the parents since they were vaccinated.
You can put and quote any statistic or source but the fact remains is that they will be infected parents won't be.
You don't think travelers from third world countries can bring diseases here?First of all we are talking about this country, not some third world country.
Correct but it does happen or else no one would get infected.Second, exposure to a disease doesn't equate to getting the disease.
I was in close physical contact with for months told me that she was diagnosed with hepatitis A and I was treating her while she was "contagious."
We are overrun with third-world invaders though, and getting more third-world all the time as this isn't addressed.First of all we are talking about this country, not some third world country.
For an extremely contagious disease like measles, or whooping cough, if you are not immune, it effectively does.Second, exposure to a disease doesn't equate to getting the disease.
So what? It's extremely miserable, it occasionally has serious complications which can be disabling, and in very rare cases, it is deadly. For other diseases, like pertussis/whooping cough, death is less rare.Third, getting measles is far from a death sentence.
Seriously, hepatitis A? Unless you are making out (or more) with your patients, there's not much risk of transmitting hepatitis. Why would you compare hepatitis, which is not easily transmitted through casual contact (swapping spit at least), with extremely contagious diseases like measles and whooping cough, that spread through the air?A few months ago one of my patients who I was in close physical contact with for months told me that she was diagnosed with hepatitis A and I was treating her while she was "contagious." I really wasn't very concerned because I have more faith in my immune system and do quite a bit to make sure my body is functioning as optimally as possible.
Wait a minute... the groups that shun vaccines are getting measles? Shocking.I'm conflicted on this. I don't like the idea of the government forcing people to take anything into their bodies. On the other hand, public health is real.
This is real: Measles is one of the most contagious diseases there is; you can get it just from breathing in a room hours after an infected person left. Normal age for first vaccine in the USA is one year. If my baby got measles and suffered horribly from some dope that didn't vaccinate their sick kid and brought them to the pediatrician, I would would be livid.
I got whooping cough a few years ago. I've been vaccinated, but I was towards the end of the vaccine cycle and my immunity had worn off. There's a lot of whooping cough in my area from nitwits who won't vaccinate. Whooping cough, like measles, is extremely contagious. I got whooping cough from casually breathing public air where one of these nitwits had been. It's not called the 100-day cough for no reason. I think it was longer than that for me. My coughing fits were so hard I would puke and feel like I was going to pass out because I couldn't breathe.
Whooping cough kills babies. If my kid had gotten whooping cough like that when they hadn't gotten vaccinated yet from one of these nitwits, and I had to watch him suffer like that with his tiny body, again, I would feel murderous. Whooping cough vaccine is extremely effective but it does wear off and is less than 100% effective and the first vaccination is at 2 months. A baby can get whooping cough before they are fully vaccinated and this is the most dangerous time.
Why is measles still endemic in Japan? - The Lancet
Japan Battles Worst Measles Outbreak in Years - The New York Times (Feb 22, 2019)
Sure I can but why would it matter? Either the information is correct or it isn't regardless of who it comes from. The problem is typically unless info comes from what many would refer to as "traditional" sources some seem to poo poo it without actually digesting or looking into it.
How are you supposed to know? I suppose you can research it to see if is correct or not. Even if Kim Jung Un wrote something that is correct is it wrong because he wrote it? Reminds me of the videos that quote Trump and tell people those are Hillary's ideas. They love it until they find out who it is from.Because for all I know at this point, Kim Jung Un wrote it.
How am I supposed to know if "the information is correct or it isnt" if I have no idea where it came from, who wrote it, or what they based it on?
That's not science you posted there, that's Op-Ed, Doc.
Again, let's stick to the subject here. You know, the same one that you agreed with me some time ago about common childhood diseases in the US such as measles. Remember, the one where you agreed they blow things a bit out of proportion.Imagine if nobody was vaccinated for smallpox. It wouldn't have been eradicated.
Fact. Those who aren't vaccinated with smallpox are living off the fruits of those who have been vaccinated.
Please refer to me the data on people currently who have died or have been maimed from measles. Here's a concept. Take better care of yourself day to day so you don't have to live in fear of dying from measles.The “big pharma” wants money from vaccines argument is flawed. They make much more money from people living into old age and being on 20 pills a day for years than they do from people getting vaccines. They are about profits but vaccines aren’t the big money makers. The rise in measles shows how not getting vaccinated for some things is just dumb. Also stats about being more likely to die from other things is not looking at the big picture. Measles can cause life long issues even if it doesn’t kill you.
MeaslesPlease refer to me the data on people currently who have died or have been maimed from measles. Here's a concept. Take better care of yourself day to day so you don't have to live in fear of dying from measles.