A lot of the small local guys are super helpful. Make an appt with one, order ammo, gun.. talk some shit ask them about storage if needed.I have not used or looked for a similar business in New York, but many of the nicer indoor ranges (and in the South Outdoor Ranges) offer secure climate controlled personal gun storage lockers for short or long term storage. I have seen them in most every state I searched and prices for a decent size locker vary from 15 dollars to 30 dollars a month (the ranges at the 30 rate are really upscale with a lush bar and a nice restaurant for club members). The link is for one I have neither visited or used. I think it is wise for any number of reasons or conveniences to diversify and avoid keeping your eggs (be they stocks, valuables, firearms, etc) in one basket.
Gun Storage
Store your guns in our secure firearm storage facility. We offer short and long term gun storage in our climate controlled, and monitored gun locker room.www.maxonshooters.com
How about coregistered? All mine are on permits of two family members. Vice versa with theirs. I have to carry 2 permits to list them all but if anything ever happened to me they know to get them ASAP.