what was the 911 call? That these two were threatening people. What did this detective ask them basically before he lost his cool? What is your side of the story? Then came the insults and attempts by the auditors to control the scene. The detective should had them put them on the car and controlled the situation at that point. Yes, we are supposed to do that in that situation- threats of violence, outnumbered, and they are uncooperative the officer until he knows what is going on
He was not being beaten up, he saw no one being assaulted. He should have come in much more level headed. You actually think the way he handled this call was appropriate? Not what he could have done, what he actually did. The other two officers stayed very calm and level headed.
It really amazes me how much you stick up for all of these officers. Seriously dude, tells me so much about you and your character.
This will be my last reply in this thread. You simply do not get it. Not at all.