In Orange County, after you buy the handgun, you take:
- a copy of the receipt,
- an amendment form filled out on duplicate,
- A copy of your pistol permit,
- a stamped, self addressed envelope,
- and $5
to the pistol permit office (or mail it in).
The pistol permit office takes your stuff, and types up a green sheet of paper with the info on the gun you bought. They send the green sheet of paper to the permit issuing judge. The judge (presumably) reviews the information and makes an investigation and determination as to your good moral character and suitability to own another handgun (![]()
) -not really. The judge signs the green paper and sends it back to the pistol permit office. The pistol permit office then stuffs the green paper into the envelope you gave them and prints off a new copy of your permit and stuffs that in the envelope too. Then they wait 2 weeks and drop it in the mail.
In total the process has taken between 3 weeks and 3 months for me to be able to pick up a handgun I already paid for.
Wow I never thought there was anything worse than Westchester. In Westchester the process is exactly the same as yours only our amendment fee is $3 and the county pays for postage to mail your amendment and new permit back to you. We save a whole $2.55 on the process. I guess paying the the highest property taxes in the state actually gets you something.