Thank you for your tireless efforts on our behalf. It's a hard battle, sometimes with little appreciation, but I can tell you I very much appreciate your efforts and hope you are ultimately successful.
Agreed thanks for your help Jim and positive attitude. I dontated last time and would encourage anyone to do the same next time he asks for money. I think his last goal was $5,000. That’s cheap.
State's application of "Scrutiny" has and will always be the issue.
You can see them State is already locked and loaded as to how they intend to fight the next step should they lose. And it's amazing how they Cherry pick pieces of Heller or McDonald decisions when it you actually read the damned things and "follow" it's guidance there would be no issues.
Whether or not the SCOTUS actually addresses the "scrutiny" issue I wouldn't hold my breath for. Because if they do rule for Strict Scrutiny, every single State and local liberal municipality will have collective heart attacks! Besides, they'll just ignore it anyway and so whatever they want, like they are now. What enforcement ability does the SCOTUS have? You'll still get jammed up in the system and have to fight to get your "rights"...
Thank you Ostrowski of course for fighting the fight! God bless you and may a million good fortunes be bestowed upon you (Karma)!
Very well argued.
But one basic premise of the unConstitutional licensing scheme of New York is this "allowing courts staffed by progressives to broadly define the state’s ever-expanding burdens on Second Amendment exercise as related in some way to the government’s interest in public safety,". The only way the State could argue that licensing firearms helps with "public safety" is if they believe that "The Public" is a risk.
Yet, never in any of the Laws or Court documents has the State indicated why they feel "The Public" is a risk, nor which part of "The Public" is a risk worthy of removing a fundamental Right from ALL of "The Public".
Thank you @Jim Ostrowski! No matter how this turns out thank you for all you do and have done to help us regain our rights here in NY. We need more people like you.
THANKS Jim, I would be happy for now if NY would at least allow the strict scrutiny standard on laws addressing the simple adult handgun purchase/possession in the home/property, like other blue states.
Also THANK you for challenging the AWB in the SAFE ACT.
Unfortunately it looks like the court is going to cut the guy loose based on jurisdiction .. the court jumped at it like animals to avoid the 2A question all together. Laughable.
Now if AG proved his jurisdiction it puts the court in a position to address 2A.
I really liked the press conference after the court proceedings; both of the fellows from 2aWNY and the representative from the Libertarian Party were very well-spoken and offered sound advice about these upcoming issues.
I've bought some stickers from the 2aWNY website to donate to their cause. Anyone who agrees with their legal work should do the same.