UM MEMEs.So Alaska is 7.8 BILLION acres?
Do you ever think about how ridiculous these memes are or do you just mindlessly repost them?
So Alaska is 7.8 BILLION acres?
Do you ever think about how ridiculous these memes are or do you just mindlessly repost them?
While a sensationalist meme and poorly written, it is stating that the Earth's population could fit into the area of Alaska if it were as population dense as NYC. The acre-per-person is referring to "habitable land" on Earth, not Alaska. While estimates of "habitable land" that discount deserts and mountains show there to be about 2.3 acres per living human, they do not account for the necessary roads, schools, hospitals, agriculture, non-oceanic/sea water, etc. So the meme isn't that inaccurate for the reasons you stated, but possibly for other reasons.
Yea, so, I happen to love ANTS!!!In that case, I’m gonna let DoOver have the space in Antarctica.
In that case, I’m gonna let DoOver have the space in Antarctica.
Antarctica is a desert.
I weigh amost 400 lbs, desert I eat first!!!Antarctica is a desert.
Moses marred one....soooooHe’s gonna look good in Bedouin garb.
Fake news!
BUSTED!!!Fake news!
The Huck hasn't done any recent press conferences! DEBUNKED!!!
" prices will nessiarlly have to skyrocket..." B Husstain O
We're gonna keep at it to ensure the American people are paying their fair share for gas.