I recently played golf with Joe Biden. What a heck of a guy. Most people have no idea how decent this man is.
On the first hole he was lining up a putt when he suddenly stopped, dropped his putter, and walked off the green. I asked him "Joe, what are you doing?"
He replied "I'm not putting. It sounds like Putin and I don't cozy up to dictators."
My gosh. What a patriot.
I said "Joe, how are you a 6 handicap if you don't putt?"
The Big Guy looked me straight in the eyes, deadly earnest and said "The only 6 I care about is January 6. And by the way, I got involved in politics because of handicapped people." Then with a backbone like a ramrod, he took three giant steps backwards and just stared at me.
"Joe, what are you doing?"
"I just marched for civil rights."
I was speechless, overwhelmed by his empathy.
I asked him, "Joe, can I march with you next time?"
He leaned in close to me and whispered, "Don't. Don't. Don't."
I realized this was the same warning he had whispered to Iran and to Putin via 60 Minutes. I backed off.
Shaken and nervous, I tried to make small talk. "Joe, what kind of clubs are you playing with?"
"Pings. Xi JinPings."
"Joe, do you need to borrow any tees?"
Biden responded, "Don't worry, I have just barely enough to win. I use absen-tees."
"Joe, can I at least carry your bag to the next fairway?"
He responded, "The only fairway I know is to tax the rich."
That was it. The round was over. He had quit halfway through the first hole.
We walked back to the clubhouse together. When we got inside he grabbed my arm and told me, "I won."
I said, "Joe, we only played half a hole. Who did you beat?"
With his veins bulging he responded, "I just beat Medicare."