They should all be executed as traitors.
Time for some grassroots action I thinkI was just thinking that same thought!
Hang 'em high.
I have to object!! That form of punishment is much to mild.
I would prefer to have these traitors hung up by their arms in the barn. Then with their toes inches above the floor smear their legs with molasses and let the hogs in. After a time to let the hogs get interested gut cut the fucker so his insides fall out. Then watch his expression when a couple of boar hogs begin to root in and fight over his small intestines.
A person can wish.
I was hoping we could bring back the rack. But hogs sound good to me. Maybe bury them up to their heads in sand and let the ants at them.
That guy is going to get a letter in his personnel file.
Excellent, but bury them, leaving only their "junk" exposed.....and let these at them - army or driver ants (called siafu in Swahili). They're nasty, they go straight for the crotch and, no bullshit, I was nailed by about a dozen of them on a rock climb.
The only one I would want is this, and only if appointed by DJT himself..........
View attachment 33424
I bet you look good in black. If I were .gov and saw you coming I'd shit my pants.
I’m partial toward reducing an already bloated executive branch by closing down a lot of these positions and departments, but that’s just the libertarian in me speakingI guess its time to bring back the tradition of "the spoils system." In essence most of the govt employees were replaced when a new administration took over. This led to all kinds of abuses and corruption, which is why we have a "professional" group of civil service employees. Given the fact a large part of the federal employees actively undermine the current administration, the only way to guarantee this doesn't happen again is to fire them wholesale and replace them. Less than ideal but what the hell else will solve this problem?
I guess its time to bring back the tradition of "the spoils system." In essence most of the govt employees were replaced when a new administration took over. This led to all kinds of abuses and corruption, which is why we have a "professional" group of civil service employees. Given the fact a large part of the federal employees actively undermine the current administration, the only way to guarantee this doesn't happen again is to fire them wholesale and replace them. Less than ideal but what the hell else will solve this problem?
Man I hate to grovel, but I gotta hand it to O'Keefe. If his works results in a purge of these bastards from our executive branch, than he deserves all our thanks.Looks like one of the douchecanoes stepped in his own Marxist bullshit......
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