Today I visited a shooting range for the first time. I usually shoot closer to my home but I felt a little adventurous today. As a first time shooter in that range, I went through the typical "paperwork" process before I was allowed to shoot. On my way out, I was handed a survey that asked me for recommendations on how to get me to come back. I guess they survey every person (voluntarily of course) that shoots there for the first time. But I am now interested to see if you guys have any cool ideas that I can write down that you guys would recommend. What would make you go back to a range a second, third time? A sale/discount? Free box of ammo?
So far all I got was a 50% discount if ai bring another person to shoot with me (my wife, in my case).
So far all I got was a 50% discount if ai bring another person to shoot with me (my wife, in my case).