20×102mm Vulcan
'Red Guards of Austin' Place Severed Pig Heads in Front of Campaign Offices
Maoist revolutionaries across the country are demanding violent revolts on Election Day to protest what they call a "bourgeois farce," according to their recent posts on social media. As Far Left Watch reports, the Red Guards of Austin escalated its war against "imperialism" last week by placing severed pig heads at "polling places and campaign offices" in and around the Austin, Texas, area.
The group is calling for revolutionary violence rather than participation in the “bourgeois elections.” Red Guards LA shared the grotesque photos on Twitter:
RGLA☭ @RedGuardsLA Oct 11
Militants placed severed pigs heads and placards protesting the elections at polling places and campaign offices in and around Austin,TX. "Cruz and O’Rourke are imperialist pigs. Elections, no! Revolution, yes!" "O’Rourke is an imperialist pig. Elections, no! Revolution, yes!"
'Red Guards of Austin' Place Severed Pig Heads in Front of Campaign Offices
Maoist revolutionaries across the country are demanding violent revolts on Election Day to protest what they call a "bourgeois farce," according to their recent posts on social media. As Far Left Watch reports, the Red Guards of Austin escalated its war against "imperialism" last week by placing severed pig heads at "polling places and campaign offices" in and around the Austin, Texas, area.
The group is calling for revolutionary violence rather than participation in the “bourgeois elections.” Red Guards LA shared the grotesque photos on Twitter:
Militants placed severed pigs heads and placards protesting the elections at polling places and campaign offices in and around Austin,TX. "Cruz and O’Rourke are imperialist pigs. Elections, no! Revolution, yes!" "O’Rourke is an imperialist pig. Elections, no! Revolution, yes!"
'Red Guards of Austin' Place Severed Pig Heads in Front of Campaign Offices