Brian Colt
.45 acp
Think I've looked but can't find ( I am male), how to reply to a post without quoting the origonal post?
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What?That is ok to reply to ALL the replies, but if you want to respond to an individual reply it's back to backspacing.
Ill try thetWhat?
If you don’t quote it, how do they know you are replying to them in particular?
Do you, @Brian Colt, mean like this? Where their name is highlighted?
Your "s" is really an upside down 5. Just saying.
Think I've looked but can't find( I am male, Fellow earth humans),
Also can you show me to water so I may lubricate my organs?
Ill try thet
I would like, or comment, on an Individual post or comment on a post without including the post or comment in the new comment. When commenting ridiculoussting that is long or contains pictures deleting it all to leave a one word comment is ridiculose. Someone posts the Bill of Rights, I want to approve without quoting....I'm not sure what you are trying to do...
Thanks for all the input. I think it's time to end this thread..@nyguns.@Brian Colt you cannot reply to comments inline, all replies go to the end of the thread. Typically if you want to reply to someone in particular you will either quote them (by clicking Reply) or tag them like I did here, using @ before their username. You can reply to multiple people by pushing the "+Quote" link then the "Insert Quotes" link above the Quick Reply box.
It was because you started with a period@NYGuns... did not highlight link like yours.....I see works if put it in first.