This is a very sad day in America.
It is sad for many reasons:
The amount of time it took to secure the scene for one gunman.
A shot man lays alone for ten minutes prior to being "rescued".
The news media talking and talking all the while saying nothing at all.
It is sad as well that Americans have no clue what is going on, in regards to the level of hate, behind the scenes.
It is sad that the Left and the Media refuse to acknowledge that there are many who think these actions are great and exactly what is needed.
It is sad that our MSM feeds this hate each and everyday. I blame the shooter and the shooter alone for these actions of today; however, the media continues to feed and push these people.
It is sad that the same politicians that were attacked today will be the ones screaming for more gun control tomorrow.
Well said and I agree with everything.
Its a very sad day in many levels