oc shooter
.223 Rem
so thinking of taking the plunge in to revolvers never really cared for them so never owned 1. shot a ruger red hawk and a sp 101 didn't care for either of them going to try a Smith next any recommendations
I've been wanting the match champion since it came out.S&W 686 +. 3”. Any Ruger GP 100. I also have the Ruger GP 100 Wiley Clapp and the Ruger Match Champion. Can’t go wrong with any of them.
Please don’t think I’m knocking autos , because I am not. I own over a half a dozen of them and do carry one occasionally when I switch out with my revolver. I’ve got Mini mix, but my favorite go to auto is my stainless Kahr K40.well graywolf as you can probably tell I'm an auto guy trying to see my way into the realm of wheel guns. I've ruled nothing out and am open to any and all suggestions. while i've yet to shoot any smiths it seems as though all of my friends and retired police officers lean toward them. I've been watching some re runs of revolver competitions and it seems as most if not all the shooters are using smiths. while I'm not quite in my dotage growing up colt seemed the way to go but that seems to be no longer the case. it may turn out that I'm just not suited to revolvers and should stay with auto's . doesn't mean I hate them just means they don't work for me. I'll try as many as I can and then make the choice to continue or abandon the quest.
If the magazine change ona semi auto that isn't used a whole lot is your only issue, it isn't an issue. You don't need to swap out magazines. Springs only go bad when used rather than being held compressed or decompressed for long periods of time. You can look that up to verify for yourself.greywolf I think our tastes are closer than what you may think and your advice is sound. reliability is the reason I'm considering a wheel gun tied of trying to remember when I last changed the mag in my night stand gun with a revolver that becomes a non issue. started my hand gun love while serving in the late 60's so you know it was a 1911 can't seem to get enough of them. will try the smiths and maybe a used colt and go from there