.223 Rem
What is the definition of insanity? Yeah we all know it yet some of us are advocating heading back down the road one more time to see if things will change. 
2008 to 2010 the Democrats controlled both the House and the Senate and NONE of any left wing or campaign targeted group agenda was catered to. No increase in welfare; no tax the rich; no pro gay; no pro unions; no anti gun; no LGBTQ laws or any other left wing campaign crap was passed with their rock solid majority. Only thing passed was the ACA (obama care) and all that did was take tax payer money and fed it to corporations for profit. They in turn pumped money into Democratic campaigns.
2016-2018 the republicans had both the House and Senate and no anti union; no anti LGBTQ; no pro gun; no anti gay; no welfare reform or any other campaign agenda item passed except to the tax relief which fed billions of dollars into corporations. In turn, campaign money flowed in.
Anyone else see the obvious trend or are you oblivious to it?
We need a complete outsider back in Washington now that we all accept XO's as law. Trump poked the hornets nest and exposed it all to us and some of us want a career political family back in power who's only goal to regain power after the Clinton's took it away from them.
Maybe I am to old but historical context matters now more than ever.
Yes election theft is coming. That is as obvious as the sun rising in the east tomorrow. lol

2008 to 2010 the Democrats controlled both the House and the Senate and NONE of any left wing or campaign targeted group agenda was catered to. No increase in welfare; no tax the rich; no pro gay; no pro unions; no anti gun; no LGBTQ laws or any other left wing campaign crap was passed with their rock solid majority. Only thing passed was the ACA (obama care) and all that did was take tax payer money and fed it to corporations for profit. They in turn pumped money into Democratic campaigns.
2016-2018 the republicans had both the House and Senate and no anti union; no anti LGBTQ; no pro gun; no anti gay; no welfare reform or any other campaign agenda item passed except to the tax relief which fed billions of dollars into corporations. In turn, campaign money flowed in.
Anyone else see the obvious trend or are you oblivious to it?
We need a complete outsider back in Washington now that we all accept XO's as law. Trump poked the hornets nest and exposed it all to us and some of us want a career political family back in power who's only goal to regain power after the Clinton's took it away from them.
Maybe I am to old but historical context matters now more than ever.
Yes election theft is coming. That is as obvious as the sun rising in the east tomorrow. lol
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