I like Tim/MAC's videos. I'm not sure how realistic/scientific the "Gauntlet test" is, but it's fun to watch. Is he not concerned with corrosion with the constant dunking/rinsing with water? Even with cleaning and lubricating..
I have an M&P 2.0 but haven't pushed it anywhere close to this yet. I wanted to do some winter testing but never got around to it.
I think the main issue is the "sample size of one" thing, but MAC acknowledges that.
As to your second point, as long as the guns are thoughly flushed and then oiled corrosion wont have time to set in. I'd be worried about wear and galling. @Willjr75, gotta be quicker on the draw than that buddy.
While no gun would probably go through that punishment, I still see validity to his tests. A downed pilot or a hiker with a broken leg could easily subject his gun to those conditions.
Wonder if the apex made the original M&P do so poorly in the test. He should test all guns in stock configuration but glad to see the the 2.0 do well since I just bought one.