CDC announces new 60-day eviction freeze for most US counties
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced a new 60-day eviction moratorium in counties where the transmission of COVID-19 is either “substantial” or “high.…
Ok... So the SCOTUS ruled in June that the CDC exceeded it's mandate and didn't have the authority to enact any moratorium on evictions as this was a legislature action. And now, as Congress goes in vacation, the CDC ignores the SCOTUS and decides to do whatever it wants by instituting something akin to a law, that would fine a homeowner and threaten with incarceration!
Who exactly does the CDC think the fuck they are!?!? I wish I had a tenant that needed their ass thrown out on the street... I'd love to see the CDC send federal marahals to my door! And what, will the Federal AG prosecute a non law?
What fucking rabbit hole have we fallen down with all this shit!